Docker Flashcards
How to login?
docker login -u username -p password
How to fetch an image?
docker pull
How to tag?
docker tag 12345 my.registry/my.image:1
Check logs?
docker logs 12345 –follow
Delete image?
docker rmi gitlab/gitlab-ce:13.12.5-ce.0
Delete container?
docker stop gitlab # first stop the container though
docker rm gitlab # removes the container already running.
Running containers shared the kernel with the underlying host OS?
Kubernetes vs Docker
K8S is the orchestrator of containerized apps. By default uses Docker as container runtime.
A specialized part of docker that takes care of low level tasks like stopping and starting contianers.
Docker as a technology
= RUNTIME + DAEMON/Engine + Orchestrator/Swarm
Daemon(dockerd) = RemoteAPI + Networking + Volumes + Image mgt .. etc
Runtime = containerd(higher level maintains the complete lifecycle of an image) + runc(lower level interfaces with underlying OS)
Responsibel for OS constructs, cgroups and namespaces.
dockerd communicates with containerd over grpc
Open Cotainer Initiative
Docker Installation
Docker Client
Docker Daemon/Engine
The client talks to daemon via local Unix socket
docker client can execute commands through docker.sock on daemon.
Check docker images
docker image ls
Run an image
docker container run -it ubuntu:latest /bin/bash
List containers running
docker container ls
docker container ls -a # list all containers
Attach to a running container
docker container exec gitlab -it /bin/bash
Build a docker image
docker image build -t myimage:123 .
Run an image as a container
docker container run -d –name myweb –publish 8080:8080 myimage:123
-d run in the background
What is runc?
runc is a CLI wrapper for libcotainer that was originally designed to replace the LXC.
What is a dangling image?
Image without any tag.
docker image ls –filter dangling=true
How to check manifest of an image
docker image manifest ubuntu:latest
How to make a container restart automaticaller
docker container run –name neversaydie -it –restart always alpine:latest sh
–restart unless-stopped
Example gitlab volume mount
docker run –detach \
–hostname \
–publish 443:443 –publish 23:22 –publish 80:80 \
–name gitlab \
–restart always \
–volume /src/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab \
–volume /src/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab \
–volume /src/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab \
docker-compose yaml example
version: "3.8" services: web-frontend: build: . command: python ports: - target: 5000 published: 5000 networks: - counter-net volumes: - type: volume source: counter-volume target: code redis: image: redis:alpine network: - counter-net networks: counter-net: volumes: counter-volume:
List network
docker network ls
List volumes
docker volume ls
Start an app using docker compose
docker-compose -f myapp.yaml up -d
docker-compose -f myapp.yaml down # stops and deletes the containers.
docker-compose restart
docker-compose ps