DNA transcription and Translation Flashcards
What are the steps of the Central Dogma?
In nucleus: DNA to RNA through RNA synthesis (transcription) which is produced in the nucleus and travels to the cytoplasm
RNA to Protein through protein synthesis (translation) produced in the cytoplasm
List the ways to regulate protein conc in a cell
Synthesis of primary RNA transcription How to process this RNA into mRNA Post-transcriptional modifications of mRNA Degradation of mRNA Protein synthesis Post-translational modification of protein Targeting and transport of the protein Degradation of the protein
What are the seven processes that affect the steady state concentration of a protein?
1) Transcription initiation: From gene to primary RNA transcript
2) Post-transcriptional processing: pRNA transcript to mRNA
3) RNA stability
4) translational regulation: mRNA to protein
5) Protein modification: Protein to modified protein
6) Protein transport
7) Protein degradation: Modified protein causes positive feedback by releasing Amino acids back to the previous step
The mechanism of posttranscriptional and translation regulation are?
elaborate and interdependent,especially in development
Regulation of posttranscriptional and translation regulation relies on?
Precise protein-DNA and protein-protein contacts
Define a house keeping gene
under constitutive expression
constantly expressed in approximately all cell
Define and give examples of a regulated gene
Levels of the gene product rise and fall with the needs of
the organism.
Such genes are inducible: able to be turned on
Such genes are also repressible: able to be turned off
Explain the process of RNA polymerase binding to promoters
RNA polymerases bind to promoter sequences near the starting point of the transcription initiation
The RNA polymerase promoter interaction greatly influences the rate of transcription initiation
How is the RNA polymerase binding to promoters a major target of regulation?
Regulatory proteins (transcription factors) work to enhance or inhibit this interaction between RNA polymerase and the promoter DNA
What is the consensus sequence found in?
Many E.coli promoters
What do most bacterial promoters include?
Conserved -10 and -35 regions
What do the conserved -10 and -35 region interact with?
the o factor of RNA polymerase
What does substitution in the -10 to -35 region usual reduce?
the affinity of RNA pol for the promoter
What does the upstream element interact with?
The Alpha subunit of RNA polymerase
What are the uses of o factors
Recognize different classes of promoters
Allows coordinated expression of different sets of genes
How does binding other proteins (transcription factors) to promoters regulate transcription in bacteria?
Recognize promoters of specific genes
May bind small signaling molecules
May undergo posttranslational modifications
Protein’s affinity towards DNA is altered by ligand binding or posttranslational modifications
Allows expression of specific genes in response to signals in the environment