DNA Hybridisation: DNA complementarity, hybridisation & its application Flashcards
How many nucleotides makeup DNA?
What are the 3 components of a nucleotide?
A nitrogenous base, a ribose sugar and a phosphate group:
Describe the structure of the individual components of a nucleotide
- The nitrogenous base comprises of either a single or double ring containing nitrogen ( shown in blue) and carbon (grey), the polar or charged groups result in Watson and crick base pairing
- This ring structure is attached to a 5 carbon pentose sugar (ribose). Ribose has a cyclical structure formed by an oxygen bridge between carbon 1 and 4 . The nitrogenous base is attached via carbon 1 of the sugar, it has a hydroxyl group attached at the position 3 of the ring.
- Also attached to the carbon 5 of the ribose sugar is one or more a phosphate group, in the slide a nucleotide monophosphate containing cytosine is shown
Name the four nucleotides that make up DNA
Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine and Adenine.
Describe the ring structure of Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine and Adenine.
What are purines and what are pyrmidines?
These fall into two molecular structures consisting of either a single or double nitrogen containing ring either a Pyrimidine or Purine, the easiest way to remember these pyrimidine contains a Y and include Cytosine and Thymine, Purines don’t and thus include Guanine and Adenine
How is RNA different to DNA?
In RNA Uracil substitutes Thymine and base pairs with Adenine in RNA to form duplex structure. And uracil is of course a pyrimidine like thymine
How do nucleotides join together?
Hydrogen bonding
What groups do the hydrogen bonds form between?
What do the bases pair with and how many bonds do they form?
Describe the bonding in RNA or dsRNA
- This involves amine and carboxyl groups or amide and nitrogen’s within the ring structure
- In each pair there is a single purine and pyrimidine
- The consequence of this is that, Cytosine – Guanine pairing forms 3 bonds and is stronger than Thymine-Adenine forming just 2 bonds
- In dsRNA or RNA secondary structure Cytosine – Guanine pairing also occurs along with Uracil-Adenine pairing, but the rule still applies and GC pairing is stronger than AU pairing.
What is the most common formation of DNA.
What is the backbone of the DNA molecule formed from and what does it connect?
- The backbone of the molecule is formed from a phospho-diester linkage
- This connects the 3 and 5 prime carbons of the deoxyribose sugar of DNA
What determines the stability of the DNA molecule?
- The stability of the structure is determined by the free energy of the molecule and energy minimisation, just as we discussed in protein structure at the beginning of semester 1.
- This makes double stranded DNA a dynamic molecule that is influenced by its molecular environment.
What other bonding is involved in DNA?
This structure derives its stability from hydrogen bonding, and the internal arrangement of the bases; gaining additional stability by base stacking which is a form of hydrophobic interactions excluding water from the internal structure alongside van der waals forces
What is the sugar phosphates joined by?
linked by phosphodiester bonds
What is base-stacking?
hydrophobic interactions ->arrangement of bases set above each other internalised to the structure & excludes water
What is the purpose of Van Der Waals forces
individually small but contributes to the stability
Why is DNA said to be anti-parallel?
they have an opposite orientation
Where are the bases of DNA found?
Why has DNA got an overall negative charge and what process is this utilised by?
• The bases are on the inside, forming stacked bases and the negatively charged phosphates (the dominant red and yellow colour in the model) are external giving DNA an overall negative charge and is the characteristic we use in gel electrophoresis
What happens to the double stranded DNA structure when it is denatured?
• Conversion of a double stranded molecule → of single stranded molecules
What does denaturing DNA interupt?
• Disruption of Hydrogen bonds within the double helix
What condition to we change to denature DNA?
- Occurs when DNA in solution is heated
- Can also be induced by strong alkali or urea. This is achieved in solution by either heat or chemical denaturants such as formamide, urea or alkali
How can we measure the denaturation of DNA?
Why does it work?
We can measure the denaturation of a DNA duplex using optical density measured at a wavelength of 260 nm
• This works because single stranded DNA absorbs UV light to a greater extent than double stranded DNA, this property is termed hyperchromicity
What increases as temperature increases?
the optical density increases
What does denaturation depend on?
• The denaturation of a DNA duplex depends upon the stability of the structure determined by its sequence of bases
What is the term for the temperature at which 50% of the molecules have melted
Tm , this shown by the arrow on the graph
What 5 factors does tm depend on?
- GC content of a molecule
- The Length of DNA molecule
- The Salt concentration of the solution ie the molecular environment
- pH (alkali is a denaturant)
- Number of Mismatches (unmatched base pairs within a duplex)
What does more GC content mean?
Higher GC content= more hydrogen bonds = higher Tm
%GC = ((G+C))/((G+C+A+T)) x 100
where G is the number of guanine nucleotides, C is the number of cytosine nucleotides etc
The longer the DNA molecule the more… and therefore?
hydrogen bonds the duplex will have and the more stable the structure is.
- However there is a diminishing return on this, and as you can see from the graph, a length beyond about 300 base pairs contributes little or no more to the stability of the structure
- Longer the contiguous duplex, the higher Tm
- More Hydrogen bonds within the molecule greater stability
- However little further contribution beyond 300 bp
When we talk about salt solution what is the main ion we refer to?
What effect on DNA does increasing the salt concentration have?
What does this mean?
Thus, increasing the salt concentration stabilises the structure and increases the Tm, thus it overcomes the destabilising effect of mismatched base pairs reducing specificity of base pairing in high salt environments.
Thus, adjusting the salt concentration is a common means of manipulating duplex formation and specificity of this process.
- A duplex containing mismatches may form and be stable at a given temperature in the presence of high salt concentration (lower part of the slide , whilst the same duplex would be unstable and dissociate at the same temperature in low salt (upper part of the slide)
- This is simply because of the stabilising effect of salt and its effect on changing the melting temperature of the duplex
- Salt stabilises DNA duplexes
- High [Na+] = High Tm
- increasing the salt concentration stabilises the structure increases the Tm and thus overcomes the destabilising effect of mismatched base pairing
How does akali solutions such as NaOH and OH- ions impact on the stability of DNA? (3)
Give some example of alkali solutions
- Thus, fewer hydrogen bonds result in lower stability of the structure - OH- disrupts H bonding, so lower Tm
- So high pH (alkalinity) destabilises DNA duplexes
- Chemical denaturants disrupt hydrogen bonds
- Alkali, formamide, urea
Define mis-match
• A mismatch is defined as a base pair combination that is unable to form hydrogen bonds
What does a mis-match cause? (3)
- Reduces Number of Hydrogen bonds, Fewer = lower Tm
- Shorter contiguous stretches of double stranded sequence = lower Tm
These combine to make the formation of a duplex less energetically favourable reducing the change in free energy on duplex formation
When does renaturation occur?
What are the conditions?
What does the formation of the structure favour?
What is it facilitated by?
Therefore depending upon the energy and molecular composition of the system renaturation will occur and result in a change in the free energy for example as a result of
• Cooling
• Or neutralisation
• Formation of structure favours energy minimisation driven by change in free energy DG
• Facilitated by:
Slow Cooling
What is hybridisation?
The concept of hybridisation is similar to renaturation simply that it involves two DNA molecules that have been introduced to each other for example a short synthetic DNA (or primer) and genomic DNA.
What factors influence hybridisation?
The factors influencing hybridisation are the same as renaturation and both are simply examples of duplex formation
Manipulating conditions: Limiting hybridisation between imperfectly matched sequences allows us to manipulate specificity
Under high stringency conditions how are complementary sequences made stable?
Why would we want low stringency?
Manipulating conditions: Limiting hybridisation between imperfectly matched sequences increases specificity
• Under High stringency: only
• complementary sequences are stable determined by a
• Temperature near Tm
• or
• Low salt concentration
So why would you ever think about employing conditions of low stringency, well the simple answer is the kinetics of hybridisation are much faster under low stringency conditions
What is the primary aim of most hybridisation techniques?
Give some examples
The primary aim of most hybridisation techniques is to indicate the presence or absence of specific sequences of bases within a mixed population of nucleic acids as is represented on the slide
The different techniques may allow the determination of relative, or absolute abundances of those sequences within a sample
- For example by labelling a particular short synthetic oligonucleotide we sometimes call a probe or a primer and hybridising this to a mixed population of DNA in a sample we can use these to
- capture specific species of DNA,
- amplify segments of DNA
- or use them to quantify the number of molecules present containing the complementary sequence in the sample
- Identifies the presence of NA containing a specific sequence of bases
- Allows the absolute or relative quantitation of these sequences in a mixture
What is a Probe?
How long are they?
What are they labelled with?
• Are always single stranded molecules but can be made from either DNA or RNA depending on the technique
• They are usually between 20 and 1000 bases in length but are generally, but not always, relative short synthetic molecules that are made chemically
• A probe is typically labelled with a fluorescent, or luminescent molecule
• In some techniques thousands or even millions of capture probes are used simultaneously such as in a microarray
A ssDNA (or RNA) molecule
Typically 20 – 1000 bases in length
Labelled with a fluorescent or luminescent molecule (less commonly a radioactive isotope)
In some techniques thousands or millions of probes are used simultaneously
What is northern blotting?
Does it have any limitations?
• Northern blotting an adaptation of Southern blotting
Analysis of mRNA or DNA
Limited technique only detects one gene at a time and small numbers of samples
The gel based techniques are Time consuming and messy
Largely Superseded by quantitative PCR or other techniques
- It has a number of limitations and as a consequence is largely superseded by other techniques such as qPCR, digital PCR, microarrays or even RNASeq (a form of next generation sequencing)
- Southern blotting is the original technique which applies to DNA and was developed by Ed Southern
Describe the process of nothern/ southern blotting
- The original technique of Southern or Northern blotting uses DNA or RNA respectively that is separated by gel electrophoresis
- which is then transferred by mass capillary flow of a buffer from a reservoir to a nylon membrane carrying the nucleic acid with it
- It is captured by and covalently bonded to the membrane and then hybridised with a labelled probe
What are mircoarrays?
What do they form?
What are the practical details?
- An ordered assembly of thousands nucleic acid probes
- Probes are fixed to a solid surface, then sample of interest is hybridised to the probes
- Simultaneously measuring 50,000 different transcripts in a Cell, Tissue or Organ
• Microarrays are one such technique and use probes attached to a specific location on a surface and hybridisation of molecules to that location identifies the molecules present you will learn more about these in subsequent lectures
• But they essentially form an ordered assembly or array of thousands or millions nucleic acid probes
• The Probes are covalently fixed to a solid surface such as a silicon or glass matrix, then a sample of interest is hybridised to the probes and the label visualised and measured as in the lower right image
Thus this approach can Simultaneously measure 50,000 different transcripts in a Cell, Tissue or Organ or several million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
How can a microarray be used for gene expression profiling, for example, a comparison of drug-treated cells and untreated cells
- For this RNA is extracted
- Labelled usually with a fluorescent molecule
- Hybridised to the array and the amount and location of the label measured
- We can then compare these measurements and determine changes in specific genes, identify signatures that relate to specific diseases or conditions
- This tells us how much of each and everyone of the transcripts in the human genome are being expressed and is an alternative to RNASeq, a next generation sequencing alternative that you will also learn about
How can microarrays assess millions of SNPs
• DNA from 1 person on 1 microarray
• Detects 2.5 million SNPs simultaneously
• Result: homozygous or heterozygous for each SNP
e.g. rs1333049: CC, GG or CG
• Used in Genome Wide Association studies (GWAS)
• Similarly we can use microarrays to assess the presence or absence of millions of individual SNPs simply through hybridisation of genomic DNA to an array.
• This type of approach is still more common and cost effective than next generation sequencing and is how many Genome wide association studies have been done