DMS past papers Flashcards
Q1 Dental Amalgam is a widely used restorative material. Several different amalgam products are available
- with regards to ‘Non-y2 amalgam’ give two advantages in terms of performance of a non Y2 amalgam
Q1 Dental Amalgam is a widely used restorative material. Several different amalgam products are available
- with regards to ‘Non-y2 amalgam’ - how does the manufacturer reduce y2 from the structure of amalgam
Q1 Dental Amalgam is a widely used restorative material. Several different amalgam products are available
- with regards to ‘Zinc free amalgam’ Originally, why was it necessary for manufacturers to add zinc to amalgam alloy?
Q1 Dental Amalgam is a widely used restorative material. Several different amalgam products are available
- with regards to zinc free amalgam - what effect could occur in a freshly placed amalgam restoration as a result of the presence of zinc in the amalgam alloy
Q1 Dental Amalgam is a widely used restorative material. Several different amalgam products are available
- with regards to zinc free amalgam - Explain the mechanism of this effect
Q1 Dental Amalgam is a widely used restorative material. Several different amalgam products are available
- with regards to zinc free amalgam - what is the main symptom that the patient could experience should this occur
Q2 -Your VT trainer uses a conventional Glass Ionomer as his lining material. It is dispensed as a powder and liquid and hand mixed by his nurse. You want to use the Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement (RMGIC) lining material you have used previously in the dental hospital (Vitrebond). You with to persuade him to change to your preferred material.
- What are the advantages of the material you want to use? (3 marks)
Your VT trainer uses a conventional Glass Ionomer as his lining material. It is dispensed as a powder and liquid and hand mixed by his nurse. You want to use the Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement (RMGIC) lining material you have used previously in the dental hospital (Vitrebond). You with to persuade him to change to your preferred material.
- Your trainer is unconvinced. He uses his present material as a universal GI for lining, filling and luting because it is cheaper. Why is he wrong to use a glass ionomer filling material as a luting agent? (2 marks)
Your VT trainer uses a conventional Glass Ionomer as his lining material. It is dispensed as a powder and liquid and hand mixed by his nurse. You want to use the Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement (RMGIC) lining material you have used previously in the dental hospital (Vitrebond). You with to persuade him to change to your preferred material.
- Which luting agent would you use to cement the following restorations? (do not use tradenames)
a) a metal post and core (1mark)
b) a porcelain veneer (2 marks)
c) a fibre post (2 marks)
Q3 Mrs Dodds is a 45 year old women who had a large MOD composite on 46 four months ago. She presents complaining that a bit of filling has come away and she is not happy. You suspect that this may have something to do with bonding and placement of composite. She is adamant she wants a crown and heard that porcelain is the best and demands this.
Describe the method of how composite bonds to dentine
Q3 Mrs Dodds is a 45 year old women who had a large MOD composite on 46 four months ago. She presents complaining that a bit of filling has come away and she is not happy. You suspect that this may have something to do with bonding and placement of composite. She is adamant she wants a crown and heard that porcelain is the best and demands this.
Describe how porcelain is treated to improve its retention
Q3 Mrs Dodds is a 45 year old women who had a large MOD composite on 46 four months ago. She presents complaining that a bit of filling has come away and she is not happy. You suspect that this may have something to do with bonding and placement of composite. She is adamant she wants a crown and heard that porcelain is the best and demands this.
Name 2 luting cements other than resin based that could be used to bond this crown
Q3 Mrs Dodds is a 45 year old women who had a large MOD composite on 46 four months ago. She presents complaining that a bit of filling has come away and she is not happy. You suspect that this may have something to do with bonding and placement of composite. She is adamant she wants a crown and heard that porcelain is the best and demands this.
Describe how a resin based luting cement bonds to porcelain
Q3 Mrs Dodds is a 45 year old women who had a large MOD composite on 46 four months ago. She presents complaining that a bit of filling has come away and she is not happy. You suspect that this may have something to do with bonding and placement of composite. She is adamant she wants a crown and heard that porcelain is the best and demands this.
name 1 advantage to placing a crown as a posterior restoration
Q4 Composite - what are the components of composite
- Glass filler particles
- resin
- camphorquinone
- low weight dimethacrylates
- silane coupling agent
Q4 name 4 different types of composite
Q4 what are the clinical disadvantages and how are they minimised
Q4 give 3 advantages of composite over amalgam
Q5 Amalgam - what is the setting reaction for amalgam
Q5 - what changes have been made to modern amalgam to improve it?
Q5 - what are the advantages of amalgam?
Q5 - what are the disadvantages of amalgam?
Q6 Porcelain - how is the surface of porcelain veneers treated in the lab to improve adhesion?
Q6 if using composite resin cement, what material ensures a good bond to the porcelain
- silane coupling agent ?
Q6 chemically, how does this work?
Q6 where else is this material used in dentistry?
Q6 when is a dual cured cement indicated?
Q7 what are the ideal properties of denture bases?
Q7 what are the constituents of PMMA?
Q7 Give 4 possible faults during production and explain why they occur
Q8 Give 4 advantages of a CoCr denture base
Q8 Give 2 disadvantages
Q8 what undercuts are required for clasps of SS, gold and CoCr?
Q9 What are the ideal properties of an impression material?
Q9 name 4 non elastic impression materials
Q9 name 4 elastomer impression materials
Q9 name 2 hydrocolloid materials
Q10 What are the ideal properties of an impression material?
Q10 what are the constituents of alginate
Q10 what is the setting reaction of alginate
Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of alginate use
Q10 give two uses of alginate
Q10 give 3 advantages of elastomeric impression materials over alginate
Q11 what is the composition of GI
Q11 Briefly describe the setting reaction
Q11 give 4 uses for GIC?
Q11 give 4 properties of GIC
Q11 Give 4 disadvantages of GIC