DJs - Education policies. Flashcards
What four issues is educational policy a response for?
- Equal opportunities
-Selection and choice
-Control of education
-Marketisation and privatisation
Explain what the 1944 Tripartite system was:
- Shaped by the idea of a meritocracy, this schooling system was based on the notion every child should be able to develop their talents to the full, and meant that children were to be selected and allocated to one of three schools based on the aptitudes and abilities they showed in the 11+ test.
What were the three types of schools within the 1944 Tripartite System?
-Secondary grammar schools: For children who ‘passed’ the 11+ exam. These children were mainly middle class. It offered an academic curriculum and access to non-manual jobs and higher education.
-Secondary modern schools: offered a non-academic, ‘practical’ curriculum and access to manual work for pupils who ‘failed’ the 11+ exam. These pupils were mainly working class.
-Technical schools. These existed in very few areas.
Provide three criticisms the labour government had of the 1944 Tripartite system:
1- Rather than promoting meritocracy and eradicating social class divisions, the TS was judged to be ‘socially diverse’ by reproducing class inequality. They argued it was an obstacle to equality and opportunity, as it channelled the two classes into two very different schools offering unequal opportunities.
2-They argued that the schools did not have ‘parity of esteem’
3- They said the TS legitimated inequality from the ideology that ability is inborn and that it can be measured in a single test.
A) When and why was the Comprehensive system brought in?
B) What was it?
C) Did every school become comprehensive?
A) In 1965, The labour government instructed LEAs to convert into a comprehensive system of secondary schooling. This aimed to overcome the class divide of the tripartite system and make education (and thus society) more meritocratic and egalitarian.
B) The 11+ exam was abolished and all pupils within the same catchment area would attend the same mixed ability comprehensive.
C) It was left to the LEA to decide if they wanted to ‘go comprehensive’ and so not all did. This particularly applied to conservative ran LEAs who favoured the TS.
What do functionalists think about the comprehensive system?
Give a criticism of this functionalist view:
- Functionalists argue that comprehensives promote social integration by bringing children of different social classes and abilities together in one school. They also see comprehensives as more meritocratic as it gives pupils a longer period of time to develop and show their abilities, rather than selecting pupils at the age of 11.
However, early research by Ford (1969) found little evidence of social integration as a result of setting and streaming.
A) What do Marxists think about the comprehensive system?
B) provide a criticism of this
A) They are critical of comprehensives, saying that they are not meritocratic. Rather, they reproduce class inequality from one generation to the next through streaming and labelling. By not selecting pupils at 11, it contributed towards the ‘myth of meritocracy’, by making failure look like it is fault of the individual rather than the system. They claim that the CS did not radically alter the education system because “tripartism continued under one roof’.
B) Still to do
Explain the link between marketisation and a certain government party:
-Marketisation in general, refers to the process of introducing forces of consumer choice and competition between suppliers into areas run by the state, such as education.
-Marketisation within the education system refers to the process of creating an ‘education market’ by reducing direct state control over education and increasing competition between schools.
-Marketisation has become a central theme of government education policy since the 1988 education reform act introduced by the conservative government of Thatcher
Conservative ERA policies:
A) What was the National curriculum policy?
B) How did this policy reflect marketisation.
A) This was an attempt to lay down a standardised national curriculum to ensure that schools and pupils concentrate on what they saw as the core and foundational subjects
B) By introducing a national curriculum, the government created a uniform set of learning standards that schools had to follow. This created measurable outcomes that could be used to access and compare school performance. This fostered competition between schools.
Give two criticisms of the National Curriculum policy:
1-Lawton (1989) argued that the NC undermined local democratic control of education and the independence of the teaching profession by centralising power in the hands of the government. He argued that the content of the NC was very traditional and unimaginative in its exclusion of certain subjects claiming that it neglected important areas of learning such as political understanding, economic awareness and many other cross-curricular themes.
2-Johnson (1991) also criticised it on the grounds that it denied certain types of knowledge as worthy of study while excluding others. He argued that the use of a single curriculum for all pupils based on a common culture (ethnocentrism) did not encourage equality of opportunity.
Conservative ERA policies:
A) What was the ‘Testing and Attainment Targets’ policy?
B) How did this policy reflect marketisation?
A) Attainment targets were established and SATs introduced to ensure targets were being met and maintained.
B) This created a framework where schools were directly accountable for student outcomes, much like businesses are accountable for their performance in a competitive market.
School’s performance in these tests could be compared, allowing parents to assess which schools were ‘better’.
Provide a criticism of SATs:
-Critics argue that SATs have turned education into a rat race. They claim that frequent formal testing of children at a young age can lead to labelling and that it changes the nature of education in a detrimental way.
Conservative ERA policies:
A) What was the ‘Publication of league tables and Ofsted inspection reports’ policy?
B) How did this policy reflect marketisation?
A) These tables and reports rank each school according to its exam performance e.g. SATs, GCSEs and A-Levels.
B) As exam performances became easily comparable, schools were now competing with each other for higher positions in these tables, as a higher ranking could attract more students. In a market context, businesses seek to improve their standing to gain a longer share of the market; schools were doing the same by aiming to improve their rankings.
Provide two critiques of the ‘Publication of league tables and Ofsted inspection reports’ policy:
1-Bartlett et al (1933) found that competing for high status positions in league tables encourages schools to engage in: ‘cream skimming’ - where good schools can afford to select the ‘best’ students (often high achieving, middle class pupils), and ‘silt-shifting’ - where ‘good’ schools can avoid taking less able pupils who may damage status, due to their abundance of applicants.
2- Critics say that league tables may not show how much value has been added by the school. In the past, table position was based on crude exam data, leading critics to argue that they revealed more about the social class backgrounds of the pupils rather than the quality of the school itself.
Conservative ERA policies:
A) What was the ‘Parental choice’ policy?
B) How did this policy reflect marketisation?
A) Parents were given the right to send their children to the school of their choice. To facilitate this, schools produced prospectuses including comparisons of their SATs and exam results with the national average.
B) This policy aligned closely with market principles. It fostered competition among schools to mimic a market system, and placed parents in the role of ‘consumers’ of education.
Provide two criticisms of the ‘parental choice’ policy:
1-From 1991, Ball and Gerwitz conducted research across 14 schools in 3 neighbouring LEAs. They argued that this policy did not actually enable all parents to have greater choice.
They said that in practice, middle-class parents possess cultural and economic capital that allow them to exploit the education market system in a way which working-class parents cant.
2- They also found that in order for schools to boost their league table position, they were keen to attract academically able students, as opposed to all students. Due to this, Ball and Gerwitz observed a shift in emphasis from what school can do pupils, but what pupils can do for schools. Therefore, rather than schools trying to improve their educational standards and quality, their main priority was attracting ‘good’ pupils.
Explain two of the three types of parents Ball and Gerwitz observed in relation to school admissions:
From 1991, Ball and Gerwitz conducted research across 14 schools in 3 neighbouring LEAs.
They identified 3 types of parents: For example:
1-Privileged-skilled choosers: mainly professional middle class parents who could exploit the new market place in education, due to their knowledge, contacts and capital.
2-Disconnected-local choosers: mainly working-class parents who were restricted by their lack of cultural capital. They were limited in knowledge of admission procedures and less able to manipulate the system to their advantage.
A) What were the new labour governments policies influenced by?
B) What were the aims of their policies?
A) The educational policies of the New Labour Government of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were influenced by both the New Right and Social democratic ideas.
B) Labour retained and modified NR policies such as marketisation, however at the same time, it was also committed to reducing inequality and aimed to improve working class opportunity.
Labour educational policies influenced by the NEW RIGHT - promoting diversity, competition, and choice:
A) Why were specialist schools brought in
B) How many specialist schools did Labour bring in
C) What was the function of specialist schools? (and how did it reflect NR ideleology)
A) Tony Blair believed that the CS system needed to be modernised (more diverse), and part of this process involved the expansion of the conservative policy of specialist schools.
B) In 1997, Labour inherited 196 specialist schools from the conservatives, and by 2007 there were over 2,500 - over 75% of all schools in England and Wales
C) They were intended to be centres of excellence and raise standards of teaching and learning in their specialist subjects and can select 10% of all their pupils choosing those who have a aptitude for their specialist subject. It reflected the NR by providing greater scope for parental choice, and raising teaching standards in these specific schools.
Labour educational policies influenced by the NEW RIGHT - promoting diversity, competition, and choice:
A) what came about after the 2006 Education and Inspections Act?
B) How did it reflect the NR
A) The Education and inspections act gave schools greater freedom to be selective by setting their own admissions arrangements. This meant that schools could set their own criteria for admissions without being bound by local authority control over these arrangements.
B) This fostered competition between schools by allowing them to differentiate themselves and appeal to parental choice.
Labour educational policies influenced by the NEW RIGHT - promoting diversity, competition, and choice:
A) what came about as part of the ‘Fresh Start’ programme in 2001?
B) What was the aims with these academies?
A) The re-opening of failing schools, often in low-income communities, as city academies. they had new yeah teachers and often new teaching staff, new names, uniforms, and sometimes buildings.
B) The key objective was to improve standards, particularly in disadvantaged communities.
Labour educational policies influenced by the NEW RIGHT - promoting diversity, competition, and choice:
A) Were the Labour government in favour of league tables?
B) Did they change anything?
A) Labour accepted the NR view that competition between schools would raise standards, and so retained league tables to assess a school’s performance.
B) Yes, in 2006 they introduced an additional table based on social factors. This meant that schools in low-income areas with average might score higher when the disadvantaged backgrounds of the students were taken into consideration.
Labour educational policies influenced by the NEW RIGHT - promoting diversity, competition, and choice:
A) What was brought in in 1998 as part of the Teaching and Higher education act?
B) How did this incorporate NR ideas?
A) In 1998, Labour introduced tuition fees across the UK for undergraduate and postgraduate university courses at £3,000 per year.
B) This allowed for the marketisation of higher education. The idea was that the introduction of fees would encourage universities to be more competitive, improve standards, and ensure that they were offering value for money to students.
Labour’s educational policy was a paradox. It was influenced by New Right ideas and Social democratic views.
How was it influenced by Social Democratic ideas?
-Social democrats wanted to reduce inequalities within the education system. In the policy document ‘Excellence in cities’ (1997) they stated that they intended to overcome economic and social disadvantage and to make equality of opportunity a reality. This was done through several policies of compensatory education.
A) What was the Labour 1997 EMA policy?
B) How did it reflect the aims of the social democrats?
A) The Educational maintenance allowance in 1997 aimed to increase the number of young people from low-income backgrounds to stay in school and progress to university.
B) Aimed to equalise opportunities so that middle-class young people did not have an advantage within the education system.
Why did Labour bring in the policy of Free pre-school nursery provision in 198?
This was a policy of compensatory education which attempted to overcome social inequalities between children at a young age, by tackling problems like cultural and material deprivation. Parents could now send their children to nursery free of charge, so their child could gain cultural capital, and the critical development skills required to succeed in school.
A) What was the ‘Sure Start’ compensatory education policy?
B) What was the purpose of it?
A) Sure start children centres were set up in 1999 so that disadvantaged pre-school children had access to educational services and resources which would enhance their development.
B) This policy supported poorer parents, by tackling issues of material and cultural deprivation their child was experiencing. It also helped equip children with the critical skills required to succeed in education, so opportunities and achievement within schools was more equalised
A) What was the gifted and talented initiative in 2002?
B) What was the purpose of this?
A) This identified the top 5% of students aged 11-18 in inner city secondary schools and provided them with extra study support
B) It aimed to support and provide opportunities for students who showed exceptional ability in one or more areas of learning, ensuring that these students were challenged and stretched to reach their full potential.The policy emerged out of a recognition that, while much attention had been given to supporting students with special educational needs or those from disadvantaged backgrounds, there was less focus on those who were particularly advanced and might need different forms of support to truly thrive.
What was the aim of the coalition government when introducing education policies between 2010-15?
-The conservative-liberal democrat coalition government selected in 2010 accelerated the move away from an education system based largely on comprehensive schools run on LEAs.
-Most of the measures were introduced when Michael Gove was secretary for state education. The policies were strongly influenced by new right ideas about reducing the role of the state in the provision of education through marketisation and privatisation.
A) What is an academy?
B) How do academies reflect marketisation?
C) How are these different to labours original city academies?
A) From 2010, all schools were encouraged to leave LEA control and become academies (publicly funded independent schools). Academies have greater freedom to innovate and raise standards, greater governing body autonomy, ability to set their own pay/condition for staff, and freedom around the delivery of curriculum.
B) This greater independence in contrast to traditional local authority schools fosters competition, as they can differentiate themselves to attract students. This is like how a business would compete for customers; therefore, reflecting the neo-liberal views of an education market.
C) Whereas Labour’s original city academies targeted disadvantaged schools and areas, the coalition government, by encouraging any school to become an academy, removed the focus reducing inequality.
What do advocates of faith schools argue?
-Advocates of faith schooling emphasise the higher academic results and supportive community ethos that they offer.
-They also argue that faith schools allow cultures and religions to be preserved - ensuring the home values are mirrored by schools. This they argue, reduces conflict, helping the minority communities to integrate comfortably without persecution.
What do critics of faith schooling argue?
-The higher academic results of faith schooling is due to their selective nature
-They also critique the segregation of children, pointing to the impact that a faith school can have on the social make-up of the surrounding area.
Both of these factors may undermine communities and create tensions
Why do some critics say ‘there is no place for religion in education’?
-They argue that children should be exposed to a variety of belief systems and allowed to form their own opinions. They are particularly critical when religious agendas are perceived to distort the curriculum.
What do advocates of private schooling argue?
-They would argue that, free from red tape and political agendas, private schools can deliver efficient, quality education.
-They also contended that it is a parent’s right to pay for a better education for their children.
What do critics of private schools argue?
-They argue that whilst private schools exist, meritocracy is impossible. That buying private schooling sets children on a privileged life path. This linked to smaller class size and better resources, and access to ‘insider contacts’ available in the private sector
Which policies for girls have been brought in since the 1970s?
-GIST - Girls into science and technology
-WISE - Women into science and engineering.
These were introduced to try and reduce gender differences in subject choice - by encouraging girls in fields they may feel less confident in.