division of labour Flashcards
segregated roles
both partners play separate roles e.g. men breadwinner, women, housework
symmetrical roles
both parents take on the same role
emotion work
the emotional support of family, typically the mother
dual burden
mothers have to do paid and domestic work
triple shift
mothers taken on paid and domestic labour as well as emotion work
expressive role
emotional support etc
instrumental role
parsons; biology
social solidarity
women are biologically more caring so are expressive
men are breadwinner due to their environment and competition in achievement
there should be a division of labour as they compliment - social solidarity
conjugal roles as a construct against parsons
jackie gabb - not biological, social construct women are taught by their mothers and the media
Elizabeth bott - two distinct roles
wilmott and young - march of progress, symmetrical family is developing
wilmott and young suggested changes
- changes of women positions - can work
- geographical mobility -can move around and strengthen bond with husband
-labour saving devices - cleaning devices e.g. hoover, dishwasher - high standards of living e.g. Entertainment,ent in the house
wilmott and young study
- survey of men
- the housework they do
- at least once a week 72%
ann Oakleyebvaluation
only 15% of husbands had high levels of participation in house work and 25% in childcare
findings of ann Oakley
in both classes , spouses participate in housework
greater equality in middle class than working class
men vs women childcare
ferri and sima - 4% men take responsibility in childcare
tunaley - grandparents are beginning to help however still mothering role
braun - pressure on mothers
men vs women housework
- crompton and iyonette
mens contribution increase
future foundation - 60% men do more housework than their fathers
men vs women decision making
- hardill et al - study found men career came first and more decisions
pahl and vogler - pooling and allowance