DIVISION 06: Plastics Flashcards
It is from which relatively simple chemicals known as monomers are built up into chainlike molecules of high molecular weight called polymers; can be hard, soft, clear, opaque , light, heavy, heat resistant or easily softened by hot water.
3 types of Plastics:
Cellulose, Synthetic resin, Plastic derived from proteins and natural resins
Its a synthetic resin plastic which softens when heated and hardens when cooled regardless of the number of times the process is repeated.
Sometimes called thermocuring plastics, set into shape permanently when heat and pressure applied during the forming stage.
Thermosetting Plastics
This material combines the transparency of glass with plastics’ shatterproof quality. Used principally for skylights, skydomes, safety glass, paints, adhesives, finish hardware lighting fixtures.
Primarily cellulose acetate or butyrate, used principally for paints and lacquers, and transparent sheeting.
It is a hard, strong and rigid thermoplastic for household and industrial applications;
Ziegler Polyethylene (PE)
A high-pressure, low-density PE that is flexible, tough and slightly resilient thermoplastic used in construction as pond and lagoon lining, and water-vapor barriers and damp proofing.
Imperial Chemical Industries Polyethylene
One of the most important thermoplastics because of its excellent transparency and rigidity and its easy mold-ability. Non-water absorbent; Used in lighting fixture diffusers. in foam form, it has become an important thermal insulator. Also found in paint for concrete.
Is a largely amorphous, rigid, tough, solvent resistant, flame-resistant thermoplastic. Used for resilient floor tile, films, pipes, and for paint lacquers and adhesives and safety glass.
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
It is injection-molded to produce plates, rods, gears, and other shaped parts that advantageously replace die-cast metal parts. Used for skylights.
Tough plastic with good resistance to heat and chemical action.
Exceptionally strong, elastics, abrasion resistant, easy to wash, resistant to damage from oil and many chemicals, and resilient.
A styrenic resin with improved toughness and heat resistance.
e.g. Hard hat
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
Hard, durable and dimensionally stable, these similar plastics are resistant to chemicals, electrical potential, and heat.
Melamine and Urea