Diversity, inclusion and teamworking Flashcards
Tell me about an example of where you have worked well in a team
When co-ordinating a refurbishment project, I worked proactively within a multidisciplinary design team in order to achieve common aims and targets.
How successful do you think this team was?
Tell me about a time you could you have improved your role within the team?
I held most design team meetings on Microsoft Teams rather than in person for efficiency purposes, however on reflection I believe I could have formed better and stronger connections between the members of the team if more meeting were held in person.
What is a common issue you have come across when working in a team?
Lack of a clear brief and direction. Unless everyone on the team is working towards a common objective there will be issues arising from differing opinions and individual contributions.
Why is diversity and inclusivity valuable to businesses / teams?
- Everyone feels valued and promotes good working conditions.
- Attract and retain the best staff.
- Variety of ideas and solutions to problems.
What are the differences between diversity and inclusion?
Diversity in the workplaces relates to having colleagues of different races, ethnicities and cultures.
Inclusion is providing individuals with a sense of belonging ensuring employees contributions are valued.
What does inclusive communication include?
Sharing information in a way that everybody can understand.
Avoiding any terms that could reinforce stereotypes, or unintentionally discriminate. e.g. Gendered language, asking peoples preferred pronouns.
What is partnering and collaborative working?
Multiple parties working together to achieve a common goal
What is unconscious bias and how can you reduce it?
Unconscious bias is when we make judgments or decisions on the basis of our prior experience.
- Be aware
- Make considered decisions
- Pay attention to bias linked to protected characteristics
What policies does your company have and how do you comply with
I undertake annual training on online learning platform IHASCO which includes modules on unconscious bias, and equality, diversity and inclusion.
We hold monthly departmental meetings to discuss the business needs, resourcing and any specific issues which promotes good teamwork.
Explain what the RICS Inclusive Employer Quality Mark is?
An RICS benchmark. The mark is designed to change behaviour by encouraging all firms, large and small, to look carefully at their employment practices and put inclusivity at the heart of what they do.
What is a RACI matrix?
responsibility assignment matrix—is a simple diagram used in project management to map task roles and responsibilities.
RACI stands for:
What is a strategic alliance?
A strategic alliance is an agreement between two or more parties to pursue a set of agreed upon objectives needed while remaining independent organisations.
Explain your understanding of supply chain management.
Construction supply chain management refers to the processes, systems, and practices used to manage the flow of materials in the construction industry. It also includes managing the relationships between various parties within the supply chain—including manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, owners, and more.
Why is accountability and responsibility important when working in a
- Allocates tasks out clearly within the team, with set outcomes and timescales.
- Makes team members more likely to perform their tasks well and on time.
- Delegates responsibility to individuals for their behaviors, performance and decisions.
Explain Tuckman’s theory in relation to teamwork.
It stated that teams would go through 5 stages of development: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning.
Explain the Belbin team roles
There are 2 requirements in selecting team members: the team should include a range of the necessary technical and specialist skills, and there should be a variety of personal styles among members to fill the different roles that are involved in successful teamwork.
Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a model for understanding the motivations for human behavior.
1) Physiological needs
2) Love and belonging
3) Esteem
4) Self-actualisation
Explain how the RICS Rules of Conduct relate to inclusion and diversity?
Rule 4 - Members and firms must treat others with respect and encourage diversity and inclusion, which provides example behaviors which provides a framework for members and firms.
Which ISO relates to inclusion and diversity?
ISO 30415 is a guideline, which helps to develop an inclusive workplace requiring an ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion (D&I), addressing inequalities in organisational systems, policies, processes and practices.
What is Economic Dividends for Gender Equality (EDGE)?
EDGE Certification is a robust approach to analysing your company’s status quo on gender equality and facilitating improvements to foster equal career opportunities.
What is neurodiversity?
Neurodiversity describes the natural way that people think, learn, perceive the world, interact and process information differently.
How and why should neurodiversity be accommodated in the workplace?
Benefits include:
- Innovation and creativity
- Technical, design and creative strengths
- New ways to solve problems
What does PAS 6463:2022 relate to?
It gives guidance on the design of the built environment to include the needs of people who experience sensory or neurological processing differences.
Explain the aims of the Memorandum of Understanding: Creating a More Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Built Environment Sector.
The agreement focuses on:
Data collection
To create a consistent approach and standard model that will allow meaningful comparison between and across respective memberships’, and help to formulate a clear picture of the built environment sector more widely.
Improve understanding of transition from education into employment:
To develop a robust, evidence-based understanding of the disparity between the diversity of students that start on institute accredited courses and the talent that makes it into the workforce. To build on existing good practice from individual institutes to improve our collective understanding of retention rates and awarding gaps on accredited courses.
EDI competencies:
To develop understanding and guidance for the sector, supporting organisations, individuals and institutes to improve and maintain professional standards.
Who are some of the parties to this Memorandum of Understanding?
the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB),
Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE),
Landscape Institute (LI),
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA),
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI)