Diversity, inclusion and team working Flashcards
What is diversity?
The practice of including people from different backgrounds, with different skills and expertise
What is inclusion?
The practice of allowing equal opportunities and resources for people who might be otherwise excluded
What are the benefits of diversity and inclusion?
- Increased creativity
- Enhances problem solving
- Better decision making
- Broader skills and expertise
- Increased employer satisfaction
- Increased understanding of customer needs
Why does diversity provide high quality work?
Different areas of expertise contribute to higher quality of work, better decision making and creates a more productive team
What is workplace diversity?
Refers to the variety of differences among people in an organisation
Includes race, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation and abilities.
What is more important, experience or diversity?
Both are valuable
Diversity brings varied perspectives, whilst experience contributes to expertise. Ideally a team will consist of a varied team with relevant experience.
How to have a successful team?
- Collaborative working
- Aligned goals
- Effective communication
- Equal voice for all
- No discrimination over competence
- Effective leadership
What is communication?
Exchange of information through verbal, non verbal or other means.
What is teamworking?
Collaborative effort from a group of people to achieve an aligned goal
What are the roles that are played to create a diverse team?
A variety of team members creates a diverse work force with ranging skill and knowledge, all necessary to create an efficient team.
Why does a diverse team produce high quality work/benefits?
- Varied expertise creates high quality work
- Better decision making
- More comfortable to voice opinions
- Understanding of customer needs
- Increased creativity
What are the benefits and drawbacks to teamworking?
- Increased creativity
- Enhances problem solving
- Better decision making
- Broader skills and expertise
- Increased employer satisfaction
- Increased understanding of customer needs
- Potential conflict and challenges in decision making
How do you effectively communicate within a team?
- Equal voice for all
- Treat everyone with respect
- No judgement over competence
- Speak clearly and calmly
- Open body language
- Positive attitude
How do you effectively communicate?
- maintain eye contact
- Speak clearly and calmly
- Ensure what you are talking about is relevant
- Periodic and frequent check ins
Why is inclusive communication important?
It encourages support, and enables people to use whatever way of understanding to express themselves in a way they find easy and comfortable.
What is inclusive communication?
An approach to communication that recognises that everyone uses many ways of understanding and expressing.
Enables as many people as possible to be included in the interaction.
How do you champion inclusivity within your teams?
- Work to identify problems
- Challenge options/own beliefs
- Collaborate with management
What is the equality act 2010?
A piece of legislation to legally protect people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society
What did you learn from equality and diversity e learning?
- That legislation is important, such as the Equality Act 2010
- That everyone is protected under the Equality Act 2010
- About protected characteristics
What are the penalties under the Equality Act 2010?
Civil enforcement action or a criminal fine up to £5000
What is reasonable adjustment?
Duty for local authorities to make public services accessible for people with disabilities or other protected characteristics
What is discrimination?
Unfairness or prejudice of people and groups based on their group, class or category they belong to.
Such as race, gender, age, religion, physical attractiveness, sexual orientation.
What different types of discrimination are there?
Direct and indirect.
Harassment - Unwanted or offensive behaviour related to a protected characteristic.
Victimisation - Negative treatment as a result of being involved with a discrimination or harassment claim.
What is direct and indirect discrimination?
Direct - Action directly discriminates against someone because of their protected characteristic (e.g. employing a man over a woman).
Indirect - When you treat everyone the same but still someone is negatively affected (e.g. a policy of everyone working every other Sat discriminates against a Jewish person)
How does your organisation minimise discrimination?
- Equal opportunities policy - Follows the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination. Sets out employee responsibilities.
Bullying and harassment statement - Policy to eliminate bullying and harassment with processes in place to stop this and raise concerns.
Examples of discrimination in the workplace
- Male being paid more than a woman for the same job
- Employee from a minority ethnic group being denied training.
Why is it important to be inclusive?
- To ensure everyone has equal opportunities and resources
- Gives confidence to share expertise and perspectives
Why should everyone be treated fairly and given the same opportunities?
To encourage inclusion
What is unconscious bias?
When an individual has judgements or makes a decision based on a bias which they may not have realised as its been engraved in their minds from societal norms or environmental factors.
Examples of unconscious bias?
- Halo - A positive impression of people, brands and products to positively influence opinions (e.g. perceiving someone with a ‘posh’ accent as being smarter)
- Affinity - The tendency to favour people that are similar to them
- Ageism
- Gender
How could unconscious bias negatively impact working within diverse teams?
It could lead to unfair treatment and negatively impact decisions
How to avoid unconscious bias?
- Understanding ones own bias’
- Covering up names or information that could lead to boas when evaluating people
- Focus on facts and figures
How can protected characteristics benefit employment processes?
Ensures individuals are valued on their skills and experience and not their characteristics.
No unfair treatment or disadvantage for anyone applying.
What are protected characteristics?
Outlines in the Equality Act 2010
- Age
- Race
- Religion
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage and civil partnership status
- Pregnancy
- Disability
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
How to address conflicts
- Identify the issue promptly
- Encourage open communication
- Listen actively
- Seek common ground and compromise
- Implement solutions and follow up
Why are reasonable adjustments made?
To remove or reduce a disadvantage related to someones disability
How are members of a team selected to ensure a diverse team?
By considering factors such as gender, ethnicity, background, skills and perspectives.
Can be achieved through inclusive hiring practices, structured interviews, diverse candidate pools and bias free selection criteria.