Diversity & Inclusion Flashcards


23.Which of the seven steps involved in the Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) strategic process is the most important?

A. Measurement and evaluation

B. Executive commitment

C. Infrastructure creation

D. Training

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1281). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


23.B is correct. Diversity & Inclusion requires executive commitment to be successful.

A, C, and D are incorrect. While measurement and evaluation, infrastructure creation, and training are all important steps, experts agree that without C-level (CEO, CFO, COO) leadership serving as role models and advocates, Diversity & Inclusion cannot become a priority or demand resources and therefore is most important.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1315). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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24.Which of the following arguments best articulates a need for efforts to find and attract skilled younger workers for an organization that is facing staffing challenges as a result of an aging force operating in the United States or other developed country?

A.A business case made for a D&I initiative

B. A reorganization proposal

C.A plan for staffing effort focused on college campus recruiting

D. A downsizing proposal

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1281). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


24.A is correct. An organization operating in the United States or in other developed countries must understand what argument best addresses the priorities of the populations and cultures involved when addressing an aging workforce as a staffing challenge. A business case made for D&I efforts designed to bring members of these cultures into the workforce is a matter of business strategy, not just a diversity strategy.

B, C, and D are incorrect. They are not the best choice to adequately respond to this organization’s staffing challenge reflected by an aging workforce.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (pp. 1315-1316). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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25.Which of the following functions is a responsibility of a diversity council?

A. To develop long-term staffing plans

B. To adjudicate employee issues

C. To mediate employee problems

D. To set goals and priorities

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (pp. 1281-1282). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


25.D is correct. A diversity council is responsible to guide, oversee, and champion the organization’s D&I initiative. Setting goals and priorities is one of its functions as part of this overall responsibility.

A, B, and C are incorrect. Developing long-term staffing plans, adjudicating employee issues, and mediating employee problems are not the responsibility of the diversity council.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1316). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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26.What is the purpose of an employee resource group (ERG), also known as an affinity group or network group?

A. The ERG mediates employee issues.

B.The ERG functions as a social network and support group.

C.The ERG acts as the organization’s ombudsman.

D.The ERG serves as a recruiting resource.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1282). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


26.B is correct. The ERG is a voluntary group for employees who share a particular diversity dimension (in other words, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and so on). It can have many functions, including forming a social network and support group, career development resource, organizational think tank, and advocacy group.

A, C, and D are incorrect. Although the ERG can have many functions, they do not include mediating employee issues, acting as the organization’s ombudsman, or serving as a recruiting resource.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1316). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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27.A midsize company won a bid on a government contract. The contract requires that the company be compliant with all equal employment opportunity guidelines and specifically encourages the company to diversify its management staff. The CEO is offended and feels as if the government is over-reaching. Which of the following strategic reasons might you share with the CEO in support of why diversity benefits the organization?

A.If the company doesn’t focus on diversity, they will lose the contract.

B.It may prevent union activity among minority employees.

C.The organization will gain a competitive edge because of more creativity and innovation.

D.Employees who are part of marginalized groups usually have less experience, so they can be paid less.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1282). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


27.C is correct because a diverse workforce brings people together who have varying life experiences and problem-solving styles, which fosters creativity and innovation by adding more perspectives to the dialogue. Some other benefits of implementing a diversity strategy are that companies have a better chance at recruiting and retaining talented individuals, a diversity strategy is good for a company’s image helping to make them an employer of choice, and the company may gain a better understanding of their market if there are employees on staff who are representative of their consumers.

A, B, and D are incorrect.

A is incorrect because the contract isn’t contingent upon compliance. It has already been granted. The government is only encouraging the company to attract and retain a more diverse staff.

B is incorrect because union activity can ensue for many reasons. Employing a diverse staff does not ensure there will not be union activity and is certainly not a strategic reason to diversify.

D is incorrect because the scenario doesn’t suggest that the employer hire less qualified employees to fill management roles. Individuals who are hired with relatively similar experience and qualifications must be paid at an equitable rate.

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28.The CEO is frustrated with you because she believes you are constantly pushing a diversity agenda. She notes that the last two diversity initiatives failed miserably and she is unwilling to commit any resources, whether it be time or money, into deliberately creating a culture of diversity and inclusion. The CEO believes that cultural change like this happens organically. As Assistant Vice President of People and Culture, you believe that you were not granted enough resources, in both people and money, to give those prior initiatives a chance at success. What would you explain to the CEO next?

A.Assure the CEO that you will redesign the strategy so that it involves fewer resources

B.Explain that the last proposed strategy was implemented at a time when you were focused on more pressing priorities and assure the CEO that isn’t the case now

C.Commit to taking HR staff off any other projects so they may devote their time to the newly proposed strategy

D.Explain that an executive sponsor of a diversity and inclusion strategy is necessary for success

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (pp. 1282-1283). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


28.D is correct because executive leadership must serve as advocates and role models and commit the necessary resources to ensure the success of a diversity and inclusion strategy.

A, B, and C are incorrect.

A is incorrect because redesigning the strategy doesn’t address the CEO’s concerns. She already said that she was not interested in committing any resources to the strategy.

B and C are incorrect because reshuffling workloads or admitting that you did not devote the necessary time to make prior strategies successful doesn’t change the fact that a deliberate attempt at creating a diverse and inclusive culture benefits an organization.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1317). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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29.The bi-annual employee engagement survey results reveal that single parents don’t feel as though the organization is sensitive to their needs. In response to this, the CEO decides that every single parent in the company be required to join the established single-parent affinity group. As the Chief of People and Culture, what guidance should you provide to the CEO?

A.Assure the CEO that you will redesign the strategy so that it involves fewer resources

B.Explain that the last proposed strategy was implemented at a time when you were focused on more pressing priorities and assure the CEO that isn’t the case now

C.Commit to taking HR staff off any other projects so they may devote their time to the newly proposed strategy

D.Explain that an executive sponsor of a diversity and inclusion strategy is necessary for success

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1283). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


29.D is correct because executive leadership must serve as advocates and role models and commit the necessary resources to ensure the success of a diversity and inclusion strategy.

A, B, and C are incorrect.

A is incorrect because redesigning the strategy doesn’t address the CEO’s concerns. She already said that she was not interested in committing any resources to the strategy.

B and C are incorrect because reshuffling workloads or admitting that you did not devote the necessary time to make prior strategies successful doesn’t change the fact that a deliberate attempt at creating a diverse and inclusive culture benefits an organization.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (pp. 1317-1318). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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30.Central to the concept of inclusivity is to treat all employees and customers fairly. A national coffee shop chain is experiencing inconsistent application of company policy at franchise stores versus corporate-owned stores. The issue is that certain traditionally marginalized groups of customers report that they experience discrimination at franchise-owned stores. What advice might you give to the CEO?

A.A franchise isn’t owned by the corporation, so they don’t have to adhere to corporate policies.

B.A franchise has been granted the right via a license to use the company name, so they must adhere to certain uniform policies or have their license revoked.

C.Corporate-owned stores aren’t perfect either, so it may be that the discrimination is more widespread than the CEO might think.

D.Sometimes customers exaggerate their experiences to gain national attention, so the CEO should wait to see whether this turns into a legal problem before addressing.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (pp. 1283-1284). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


30.B is correct because even franchisees have to abide by the expectations set forth in their franchise agreement to continue using the corporation’s name. The corporation has to protect its brand.

A, C, and D are incorrect.

A is incorrect because a franchise agrees to adhere to certain corporate guidelines and policies to protect the company brand.

C is incorrect because it’s an assumption and still isn’t a reason why the CEO should not act.

D is incorrect because taking the passive approach could lead to lawsuits that may financially bankrupt the company.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1318). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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