Diversity Flashcards
Four basic elements of culture
How is culture symbolic?
Interventions for language barrier
Learned- It is socially transmitted
Integrated- If one part changes, other parts will change
Symbolic-signs, sounds, clothing, tools, customs, beliefs, rituals, language
Shared- People who grow up in a particular culture often have shared values, beliefs, ideals, and expectations.
Always verify understanding.
What is enculturation
When does enculturation begin?
How does it occur
process of learning culture
Begins at birth
consciously and unconsciously
Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the conditions in the environments where people are ________ that affect a wide range of______ and risks.
born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age
health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes
Generalizations are
Nurses should consider that
conclusions from many factors.
differences are invariably present among individuals within cultures
generalization about all members of a group
Leads to an unwillingness obtain information about an individual.
Eg. All single parent families are of low income
Prejudice results from ethnocentrism which assumes that
- Negative attitude toward an entire category of people, often an ethnic or racial minority
- One’s own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others
treating someone unequally based on a perceived difference
Health disparity
higher burden of illness, injury, or mortality
Health care disparity
Differences in
* Environment
* Access to, utilization of, and quality of care
* Health status
* Health outcomes.
________socially constructed concept that tends to group people by common descent, heredity, or physical characteristics.
race determines a person’s character or ability
One race is superior than another
black patients were less likely than whites to receive analgesia for acu
person’s identification with or membership in a particular racial, national, or cultural group
Example of language aculturation
Accepts some aspects of a new culture without loosingng your own.
Eg. Pidgin English
language, technology, food, clothing, music,
one cultural group merge with or blend into a second group.
________ is the tendency to view one’s own culture as superior and to use one’s own standards and values in judging outsiders
What are the levels of socialization
the process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable to society:
Family, school, church, community
Describe family
Describe community
basic unit of society in all cultures
Common interest and identity