How easy it is to travel to a place or interact with an individual.
Administrative Centre
Places that make decisions about how to organise infrastructure and economic activity for the surrounding areas.
Amenity Value
The value of a resource to locals and businesses (beaches, timber, coal).
Built Environment
The buildings and infrastructure within an urban area.
Productive assets, goods or financial stakes.
Central Business District
The centre of a city, containing a high density of
businesses and TNC headquarters.
An individual who regularly travels a distance between their residence and their employment.
Cultural Enrichment
The addition of ideas, traditions and beliefs due to the arrival of new people.
Cultural Erosion
The loss of a culture, resulting in a change in ideas or disregard for traditions.
The way of life of a particular group of people at a particular time, generally customs and beliefs.
The characteristics of a population.
Individuals lack basic services or objects they would expect to have in the 21st Century.
The loss of industry or productivity of a land, leaving it abandoned.
Where a company may look to offer different services or sell a wider range of products to appeal to a new target audience.
Variation within a population, in their characteristics, background and behaviour.
Elite Migrants
Migration due to an individual’s wealth or status, often investing in the host country through investment visas, property or business.
Empty Nester
A couple whose children have moved out (post-university age).
nvironmental Impact Assessment
The study of environmental impacts caused by large
business projects.