the goal-directed flow of ideas. Symbols and associations initiated by problem or task and leading toward a reality-oriented conclusion.
clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome that is associated with distress or disability, and not just an expected response to a particular event.
Mental disorder
inability to distinguish reality from fantasy. Impairment in reality testing, with creation of a new reality.
the objective evaluation and judgment of the world outside the self.
Reality testing
disturbance in the form of thought instead of the content of thought. Thinking is characterized by loosened associations, neologisms, and i logical constructs. Thought process is disordered and the person defined psychotic.
Formal thought disorder
thinking containing erroneous conclusions or internal contradictions. It is considered psychopathological only when it is marked and when not caused by cultural values or inte lectual deficit.
Illogical thinking
mental activity not concordant with logic experience.
thinking that gratifies unfulfilled desires but has no regard for reality a preoccupation phase in children in which thoughts, words, or actions assume power
Autistic Thinking
a form of dereistic thought; thinking similar to that of the preoperational phase in children (Jean Piaget), in which thoughts, words, or actions assume power (e.g., to cause or to prevent events).
Magical thinking
general term for thinking that is dereistic i logical and magical normaly found in dreams, abnormaly in psychotics.
Primary process thinking
new word or phrase whose derivation cannot be understood * oftenseen in schizophrenia * it has also been used to mean a word that has been incorrectly constructed but whose origins are nonetheless understandable (e.g., headshoe to mean hat), but such constructions are more properly referred to as word approximations.
incoherent, essentially incomprehensible, mixture of words and phrases commonly seen in far-advanced cases of schizophrenia
Word Salad
disturbance in the associative thought and speech processes in which a patient digresses into unnecessary details and inappropriate thoughts before communicating the central idea observed in schizophrenia, obsessional disturbances, and certain cases of dementia.
oblique, digressive, or even irrelevant manner of speech in which the central idea is not communicated.
thought that, genera ly is not understandable patient never gets from desired point to desired goal.
pathological repetition of the same response to different stimuli, as in a repetition of the same verbal response to different questions persistent repetition of specific words or concepts in the process of speaking. Seen in cognitive disorders, schizophrenia, and other mental i lness.
meaningless and stereotyped repetition of words or phrases, as seen in schizophrenia also ca led cataphasia.
a person’s psychopathological repeating of words or phrases of by another tends to be repetitive and persistent Seen in certain kinds of schizophrenia, particularly the catatonic types.
mental process in which one symbol stands for a number of components.
characteristic schizophrenic thinking or speech disturbance involving a disorder in the logical progression of thoughts manifested as a failure to communicate verbaly adequately unrelated and unconnected ideas shift from one subject to another.
Loosening of associations