1st proposed the possibility of joined continents
Abraham Ortelius,
Drew a map showing 3 continents together
Antonio Pellegrini
COntinental drift theory
Alfred Wegener
Evidence in Support of the Continental Drift
The Matching of Continents (Jig-Saw-Fit) Rocks of Same Age Across the Oceans Tillite Placer Deposits Distribution of fossils
It is the sedimentary rock formed out of
deposits of glaciers
Continuous landmass of India, Madagasker and Africa where Lemurs are found
Forces as per Alfred Wegener
Pole fleeing force and tidal force
Convectional current theory
Arthur Holmes
Continental margins comprise of
Continental shelf, continental slope , continental rise and deep oceanic trenches
Abyssal Plains
These are extensive plains that lie between the
continental margins and mid-oceanic ridges
It is the longest mountain-chain on the surface of the
earth though submerged under the oceanic
mid-oceanic ridges
Mid-Oceanic Ridges
This forms an interconnected chain of
mountain system within the ocea
Sea floor spreading theory by
Plate tectonic theory
was in 1967, McKenzie and Parker and also Morgan,
Cocos plate :
Between Central America and Pacific plate
Nazca plate :
Between South America and Pacific plate
Arabian plate :
Mostly the Saudi Arabian landmass
Philippine plate :
Between the Asiatic and Pacific plate
Caroline plate :
Between the Philippine and Indian plate (North of New Guinea
Fuji plate :
North-east of Australia
location were sinking of a plate occurs is called
a subduction zone.
where new crust is generated
Divergent boundary
Artic ridge
fastest rate of plate movement
East pacific Rise near Easter Island, in the South Pacific
Heat within the earth comes from two main sources: r
adioactive decay and
residual heat.
Tethys sea seperated
Eurasian plate and Indian subcontinent