Distinguishing Prokaryptic Cells Flashcards
Prokaryotic size
Extremely small cells
Less than 2ųm diameter
Whereas Eukaryotic are larger cells which are about 10-100 ųm diameter.
Prokaryotic DNA is …
Whereas Eukaryptics is linear
Prokaryotic DNA
DNA free in cytoplasm stored as Plasmid DNA a ring of DNA
Whereas Eukaryotic is present as DNA is inside nucleus
Prokaryotic cell wall
Cell wall made of a polysaccharide but is different to Eukaryotic
Whereas in Eukaryotic cellulose cell wall in Plants and chitin cell wall in fungi
Prokaryotic cells Organelles
Prokaryotic contain less organelles with no membrane bound organelle, e.g no mitochondria
Whereas in Eukaryotic they contain mitochondria and other membrane bound organelles
Prokaryotic flagella
Flagella (when present) it’s made if the protein flagellum, arranged in a helix
Whereas in Eukaryotic kts made of microtuble proteins arranged in a 9+2 formation.
Prokaryotic ribosomes
Much smaller ribosomes
Whereas in Eukaryotic it’s much bigger