dissolution of the monasteries Flashcards
what points should you include in the introduction?
many people debate why he dissolved the monasteries and i have come up with why he did it
i have looked at many sources and what could influence his decisions
how did this effect his religious state and the rest of england
whats your point for the first paragraph?
looking at who he was married to (catherine of aragon) and his religious state (catholic) before dissolving the monasteries
why didn’t henry want a female heir?
because the tudors had just won the wars of the roses and if a female heir was to rule then she couldn’t lead wars or if the white roses came to england then england would crumble and it would been seen as henrys fault . it was also very rare to have female rulers in those days as females were seen as weak
why had his wife failed him?
because she couldn’t produce a male heir as she had 2 miscarriages
why did henry want a divorce?
because he wanted a male heir which catherine couldn’t produce and he had fallen in love with anne boleyn
what did henry do about wanting a divorce?
since in those days divorce was illegal as the whole country was catholic the pope wouldn’t give henry a divorce so henry broke with the catholic church and pope and became the head of church of england
what didn’t henry have after the break with the church?
what did he do about not having money?
he dissolved all the monasteries to get money
what did he spend a lot of money on or would spend it on?
he liked expensive clothing and parties and if the catholic countries came and invaded then he would need money to go to war with them
could he just shut them down if he wanted to?
no he had to lie, send inspectors to spy on the monks and nuns and say that they weren’t following the rules of god
who did he ask to do reports on the monasteries?
thomas cromwell
what does source g tell us?
it says that henrys normal income was 100,000pounds and he earned 140,000 from dissolving the monasteries
how reliable is it?
its written by a modern historian so its mostly reliable as they don’t have a direct opinion on the subject and their just collecting data but they could have background that gives them a opinion
when did henry dissolve the monasteries?
what did the monasteries mean to henry?
they were very valuable and expensive and to henry he could run the county better by dissolving them
where thomas cromwells reports reliable?
no because henry just needed to lie on the reports and the monasteries were his and if anyone questioned him they could have something bad done to him
what does source d state?
monks were gambling and playing with women (which monks were certain showing they were breaking the religious rules)
is source d reliable?
no because the inspectors knew if they just lied in the reports then henry would get the money and pay thomas to pay them
why did monks and nuns not support the henry?
because he broke away from the church and dissolved the monasteries which were their homes and were they would school the young
whats evidence to support that monks didn’t like henry?
source k says that monks and nuns gave education to boys and girls and gave to poor
is source k reliable?
no because its a primary source written by a rebel against the king and he might be exaggerating to prove a point
what are you going to write in your conclusion?
henry shut down the monasteries because he needed money after breaking with the pope. however needed to prove that monks and nuns weren’t following religious rules so he payed inspects to lie about the state of the monasteries
What does an artists impression show of the monasteries ?
It shows all the valuable parts of the monasteries and the price of everything
Was the artists impression reliable ?
No cause it was a secondary report and an impression
Where did Henery get a lot of money before he broke from the church?
The Catholic Church gave him a lot of money
What did most of the reports say?
They said how monks and nuns weren’t following religious rules
Did monks and nuns still surport the king?
How did this affect the the kings reports?
They didn’t support the king so this gave the king more reason not to write honest reports
They also supported the pope more than ever so they would disobey the king
Why did monks and nuns support the pope?
Because Henry closed the monasteries which were their homes and broke away from the church
when was mary rein?
when did elizabeth rein?
when was the book of martyrs made?
who was the author of the book of martyrs ?
what was his religion?
john fox