Dissection Drawings Flashcards
State the 3 branches of the coeliac trunk
- Common hepatic artery
- Splenic artery
- Left gastric artery
Describe the blood supply to the lesser curve of the stomach
- Lesser curve of the stomach is supplied by the left gastric and right gastric arteries which anastomose
- Left gastric artery from the coeliac trunk
- Right gastric artery from the proper hepatic artery
Describe the blood supply to the greater curve of the stomach
- Greater curve of the stomach is supplied by the left gastro-epiploic and right gastro-epiploic arteries which anastomose
- Left gastric epiploic artery comes off the splenic artery
- Right gastric epiploic is a division of the gastro-duodenal artery
Describe the derivatives of the common hepatic artery
- Common hepatic artery divides into the gastro-duodenal artery and the proper hepatic artery
- Gastroduodenal artery splits into the right gastro-epiploic and superior pancreato-duodenal artery
- Able to supply the proximal duodenum
- Proper hepatic artery splits into the left and right hepatic arteries
- Cystic artery comes off the proper hepatic artery to supply the gall bladder
Describe the derivatives of the splenic artery
- Splenic artery gives branches to the left gastro-epiploic and short gastric artery
- Short gastric artery supplies greater curve of stomach and anastomoses with left gastro-epiploic and left gastric arterie
Describe the attachment of the falciform ligament
- Falciform ligament attaches the liver to the anterior wall of the abdomen
- On the anterior surface, it splits to reveal a bare area where there is no peritoneum covering the liver
Describe the attachment of the coronary and triangular ligament
- Coronary ligament and triangular ligament hold the liver to the diaphragm
- Triangular ligaments formed from upper and lower layers of the coronary ligament
Other than the ligaments, how else is the liver held in place
3 hepatic veins hold the liver to the inferior vena cava
Name the 4 lobes of the liver and their location
- Right and left lobe
- Caudate lobe located on the posterior side of the liver next to the IVC
- Quadrate lobe located on the posterior side of the liver next to the fossa of the gall bladder
What structure connects the greater and lesser sac
- Foramen of Winslow connects the greater and lesser sac
- Located within the lesser omentum
Describe the ducts within the biliary tree
- Right and left hepatic duct join to form the common hepatic duct
- Cystic duct from the gall bladder joins to form the common bile duct
- Common bile duct combines with pancreatic duct to empty contents through the ampulla of vater at the 2nd portion of the duodenum
Describe where gall stones can become lodged and its effect
- Gall stone in the cystic duct can cause biliary colic with pain the upper right quadrant radiating to shoulders
- Leads to cholecystitis
- Gall stone in the common bile duct can cause ascending cholangitis
- Bacteria able to ascend up common hepatic duct into the liver and cause damage
- Gall stone at the ampulla of vater can cause pancreatitis due to proteases being activated and attacking pancreatic tissue
State where SMA and IMA branch off the abdominal aorta
SMA - L1
IMA - L3
Describe the blood supply from the SMA
- Has jejunal and ileal branches which supply the small intestine
- Ileo-colic artery mainly supplies the caecum and terminal ileum
- Right colic artery mainly supplies the ascending colon
- Middle colic artery mainly supplies the transverse colon
Describe the blood supply from the IMA
- Left colic artery mainly supplies the descending colon
- Sigmoid arteries supply the descending sigmoid colon
- Once the inferior mesentery artery enters the pelvis, it becomes the superior rectal artery
- Gives off branches to supply the rectum
Describe what the marginal artery of the colon is
Continuous arterial circle formed from the anastomoses of branches of the SMA and IMA