Disruptive Behaviour Problems Flashcards
Conduct disorder
A repetitive and persistent pattern of behaviour involving violation of accepted social norms or the basic rights of others
Main symptoms of conduct disorder
Often initiate violent or aggressive behaviour
Have little respect for property
Are lying and deceitful
Display little empathy with the feelings and intentions of others
Regularly display risk taking,frustration,irritabilty,tantrums and impulsivity
Assoc with early onset sexual behaviour,drinking,smoking substance abuse and risk taking behaviour
Sub types of conduct disorder
Childhood onset conduct disorder 10 years
Adolescent onset conduct disorder post 10 years of age
Oppositional defiant disorder
Oppositional defiant disorder
A mild form of disruptive behaviour disorders reserved for children who do not meet the full criteria for conduct disorder
Wording to differentiate conduct disorder from. Typical naughty behaviour in childhood and adolescent
Conduct disorder…new descriptive specifier added for individual with callous unemotional personal style
Oppositional defiance disorder… Symptoms grouped into three types, removal of exclusion criteria for CD, frequency and severity guidance. Added.
The prevalence and course of CD
Prevalence rates range from 4-16 percent in boys and 1.2-9 percent in girls
Co morbidity is the rule rather than exception
CDD predicts adult antisocial personality disorder but only in ,lower socioeconomic status(Lacey et al 2005)
The aetiology of CD
Biological factors .neuropsychological deficits . Prenatal factors Psychological factors Genetic factors . Twin studies suggest both CD and aggressive,violent behaviour significant genetic component . Adoption studies suggest substantial inherited rather than environmental causes(simonoff 2001) . Recent studies identified the genes
Neurological deficits
Conduct disorder assoc with deficits in memory,verbal IQ,executive functioning(Lynsey &the ry 2001)
However exec functioning deficits may only be found in indivs where CD is co morbid with ADHD(oosterlaan et al)
Prenatal factors
Include maternal smoking and drinking during pregnancy and pre post natal malnutrition
Delinquent behaviour assoc more commonly in children prenatal lyk exposed to alcohol(schmo fled et al 2005)
Psychological factors
Family environment and parent child relationships
Media and peer influences.
Cognitive factors
Socioeconomic factors
Family environment and parent child relationship
Risk factors for ODD inc parental unemployment,parent with antisocial personality disorder and childhood abuse and neglect (Lacey et al 1995)
Inconsistent and harsh parenting assoc with CD
Childhood abuse generally assoc with …
Media and peer influences
Children may mimic violent activities they see on media
HOWEVER this has most effect when the children are already emotionally disturbed
Asse with peers who indulge in violence may cause CD symptoms(capaldi and Patterson 1994)
HOWEVERbmost likely in indivs who already display ODD CD or ADHD
Cognitive factors
Cognitive distortion… Highly biased way of interpreting the world
Hyper vigilance for hostile cues (dodge 1993)
Hostile attributional
Socioeconomic factors
Delinquent violent behaviour highly assoc with poverty low status unemployment urban living and poor education
A natural exp by Costello et al 2003 Indic that poverty may have causal effect on symptoms of CD
Individual approaches
Cognitive problem solving techniques /social skills training to address cognitive processes used in everyday situ
Model and reward pro social behaviour
Role play,homework,,music,video vignettes,letters and phone calls home?..this is the incredible years!! Carolyn Webster Stratton &dreidel 2008
What might be the core features of such an approach
Therapists model appropriate behaviour positive parenting
Parents practice strategies to deal with childrens behaviour cognitive therapies to build children’s esteem…. More to add
Multi systemic therapy
Addresses the multi dimensional nature of behavioural problems (bronze brender 1979)
Therapists act as advocates specific treatment package is built
Evaluation of treatments
Importance of early intervention (perhaps prevention)
Need for long term treatment and follow up booster sessions
Difficult is due to confounding and co morbidity
Externalising disorders
Outward directed behaviour problems such as aggressiveness hyperactivity non compliance or impulsiveness