Dispatch Release Flashcards
What items must a dispatch release contain?
ID # Trip # Departure airport Intermediate airports Destination airport Alternate airport Type of operation MINTO Weather reports for all airports
Define MINTO
Enroute burn +
Most distant alternate +
Holding +
Define release fuel
Taxi out +
(rounded to the nearest 100 lbs.)
How is reserve fuel calculated?
.75 X fuel flow at the TOD
How is contingency fuel calculated?
Calculated at planned landing weight (PLW) and 10,000 feet above the destination airport.
When do you need a TAKEOFF alternate?
When the weather minimums at the departure airport are below what is required to come back and land.
The takeoff alternate is one hour from the departure airport at normal cruise speeds, in still air, with one engine inoperative.
When do you need a DESTINATION alternate?
“123 Rule”
One before and after your ETA, the forecast ceilings are less than 2000 and the forecast visibility is less than 3 miles
When is a 2nd Alternate required?
When the weather conditions forecast for the destination AND the first alternate are “Marginal”
Marginal: when the weather is equal to the lowest approach minimums for both airports.
What is exemption 3585 and how is it applied?
When the destination OR first alternates contains conditional language that is below landing minimums. (TEMPO/PROB)
Destination airport VISIBILITY must not be forecast less than 1/2 the lowest instrument procedure.
1st Alternate CEILING & VISIBILITY must not be forecast less than 1/2 the ALTERNATE MIMIMUMS for the airport.
(No High Mins captains or Intl. destinations allowed)
Finally, the forecast weather for the 2nd Alternate, main body and conditional language must all indicate above the airport alternate minimums!
When is a drift down alternate required?
All FAR 121 flights must be planned with consideration to an engine failure enroute.
What is Method 1?
Must takeoff at a weight that ensures if an engine fails anywhere from V1 to the destination, the aircrafts net altitude capability will clear obstructions 5sm either side of route by 1000ft.
Must have a +net gradient of 1500 ft above the destination.
Under optimal conditions, provides 6000 over the most critical obstruction and 6500 above field elevation.
Release shows the maximum enroute takeoff weight (METW)
**Basically, If you are under METW at liftoff, you should be able to fly all the way to destination safely above obstructions.
What is Method 2
If an engine failure occurs, the aircraft must be able to divert to at least one suitable airport from normal cruise altitude.
Net drift down will clear all obstructions by 5sm and 2000 ft until reaching the diversion airport.
Must have a +net gradient of at least 1500 ft above the diversion airport.
Has M2METW listed.
How do we identify the tropopause level on the release?
Look for MWL on the progress section.
This is the height of the tropopause. It is important because prove this altitude, performance will begin to decrease.
What are the SABRE wind shear values?
Calculated by analyzing the change in wind speed and direction in the 4000ft below the segment altitude. All wins hear below 5000ft is reported as 0.
0-2 no turbulence expected
3-4 light turbulence possible
5-7 light turbulence likely, moderate possible.
>7 moderate likely, severe possible.
What is ETE?
Estimated time between fixes (from the previous fix)
What is ETR?
Estimated time remaining in the flight.
What is EFB?
Estimated fuel burn between fixes. (From the previous fix)
What is TFB?
Total fuel burn since takeoff.
What is DIST?
Distance flown from fix. (From previous fix)
What is DIST/R?
Distance remaining.
What must we do when reaching TOC?
Check the fuel remaining with the planned fuel info
Make sure the fuel flows are near planned info.
What is PQNH and what are the tolerances?
Planned altimeter setting.
Tolerance: -0.10”
What is POAT and what are its tolerances?
Planned outside air temperature.
Tolerance: -10* C
When do we need a new release?
PIC or dispatcher opinion
Change in aircraft
Flight departs from originating station after a delay of 2 or more hrs
Flight is unable to depart in accordance with the release
Air return
After making an unscheduled landing
What items are required for an amendment to a release?
- Amendment #
- Time stamp
- Dispatcher initials
- Strike through items that no longer apply and re-write in new material
When is a runway considered contaminated?
When more than 25% of the runway is covered by more than 1/8” (3mm) of standing water or its equivalent in slush, wet or dry snow.