Disorders part 2 Flashcards
Characteristics of pseudo-dementia of fabricating
- Occurs in individuals with non-vertical symptoms
2. Faking the symptoms ie. Somatoform/ conversion disorder
Symptoms of ADHD
- Dysregulation of Attention
- Distractibility
- Has trouble controlling impulsivity
- Mood changes frequently and easily
- Impaired socialization
- Hyperactivity
- Impaired executive function
ADHD in adults
- Hyperactivity becomes less prominent but distractibilty remains
- More likely to develop a disorder in the future pertaining to (bipolar disorder, narcissistic personality disorder)
Stage 4 of Alzheimer’s
- Non commutative
- Bed written
- Develop Kluven Bucy syndrome
Kluven Bucy syndrome
- Problems with memory
- Psychic blindness
- Hyper emotional
- Hyperorality
- Hyper sexual
- Obstructive (narrowing channel were CF flows)
- NPH (fluid build up in brain but no obstruction)
- Can be treated with an IVP shunt
Stage 2 of Alzheimer’s
- Language disturbance
- Restlessness
- Compulsive behavior
- Corphologia
- Mild anomias, aphasias
Huntington’s Chorea
- Involves Basal Ganglia
- Affects caudate nucleus and strong frontal lobe connections
- Mesolimbic system affected
- Initial symptoms are psychological
- Autosomal dominant
- Choreoatheoid movements associated with wormlike movements
- Preserved language and insight
Cardiovascular disorders
- Hypertension
2. Diabetes
Stage 1 of Alzheimer’s
- Subtle emotional and cognitive changes
- Loss of interest in daily activity
- May become increasingly irritable
- Either become preoccupied with their health or neglect their health
- More anxious
- Depressed
- Restlessness may begin
- Loss of sense of humor
Treatment of ADHD
- Medicinal
2. Behavioral
Confused, disoriented, and impaired
Brain areas of ADHD
- Substantial Nigra
2. Frontal lobe Dysfunction (problem with visual striatus area)
Conduct disorder
- Hyper sexual
- Rebellious
- Charismatic
- Has characteristics of ODD plus aggression and manipulation to get what they want
- Progresses to antisocial personality disorder
Bodily rate
More common in males
Sleep Apnea
- Stops breathing in sleep
- Blood pressure spikes
- Treated with a CPAP
Symptoms of hydrocephalus
- Gait disturbances
- Inability to control urinary flow
- Impaired judgement variety of frontal lobe signs
Alzheimer’s disease
Most common diagnosis of dementia
Types of Dementia
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Primary degenerate Dementia
- Senile Dementia of Alzheimer’s type
- Pre senile dementia Alzheimer’s type
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Disorder of self control and self regulation
2. Lack of control of emotion and behavior
Oppositional disorder
Rule violation, talking back to authority
Characteristics of psuedo dementias
- Emotional changes usually precede cognitive changes
- Present with extreme cognitive impairment
- Mild to severe cognitive effects, slow speed of processing
- Trouble paying attention and recalling old memories, self conscious
- Resembles sub cortical dementia
- No language, apraxia, or agnoia problems
- Often stay immobile at home
- May respond to questions asked a long time ago like a frozen computer