Disorders of the vulva and vagina Flashcards
Anatomy of vulva and vagina
vulva = everything in labia major, mons pubis and perineum vagina = 7-10cm long, lined by squamous epithelium
most lymph drainage -> inguinal lymph nodes -> femoral -> external iliac nodes of pelvis (route of spread of vulvar carcinoma)
Vulval symptoms
superficial dyspareunia (pain on sexual penetration)
causes = infection, dermatological disease, malignant and premalignant disease, vulval pain syndromes
systemic disease ay predispose to certain vulval conditions (e.g. candidiasis with DM)
Lichen simplex (or chronic vulval dermatitis)
from sensitive skin/dermatitis/eczema → chronic inflammatory skin condition
- severe pruritus (especially at night)
- labia majora = inflamed, thickened with hyper/hypopigmentation
- exacerbated by chemical/contact dermatitis, stress, low body iron stores
- soap irritant
Ix: vulval biopsy if diagnosis is in doubt
Tx: emollients, moderately potent steroid creams and antihistamines to break tech-scratch cycle
Lichen Planus
Mucosal surfaces of mouth and genital region
flat, papular, purplish lesions
pain than pruritus
tx: high potency steroid creams, surgery avoided
Lichen sclerosus
2nd line = tacrolimus (done in specialist clinics)
vulval epithelium collagen loss
postmenopausal women
autoimmune, thyroid disease, vitiligo
pink-white papule → coalesce to form parchment-like skin with fissures
pruritus worse at night → trauma with bleeding, skin splitting → discomfort, pain, dyspareunia
ix: biopsy to exclude carcinoma
tx: ultra-potent topical steroids
Vulvar dysaesthesia (vulvodynia) or the vulval pain syndromes
of exclusion, no organic causes
associated with = hx of genital tract infections, former use of oral contraceptives, psychosexual disorders
- spontaneous generalised = burning pain commonly in older patients
- vestibule = superificial dyspareunia, pain using tampons, more common in younger women
tx: amitriptyline or gabapentin (antidepressant or anticonvulsant)
Infections of the vulva and vestibule (candidiasis example)
HSV, vulvar warts (condylomata acuminata), syphilis, donovanosis
candidiasis = if prolonged exposure to moisture, more common in diabetics/obese/pregnancy/abx/immunosuppressed
- irritation and soreness of vulva and anus rather than discharge
- tx: prolonged topical or oral anti fungal therapy
vulvar candidiasis (acute mx) CKS
vulvar candidiasis (recurrent mx)
Pruritus Vulvae (mx guide)
Bartholin’s gland cyst and abscess
2 glands behind labia minor secrete lubricating mucus for coitus
blockage of duct → cyst formation
infection = Staph or E. coli → abscess
sx: acutely painful, large tender red swelling
tx: incision nd drainage, marsupialisation
vulvovaginal candidiasis: mx guide
Premalignant disease of the vulva: vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN)
Usual type
- most VIN, 35-55 y/o
- associated with HPV (16) + CIN, cigarette smoking, chronic immunosuppression
- appearance varies
- usually warty/basaloid SCC
Differentiated type
- rarer
- associated with lichen sclerosis
- older women
- higher risk of progression to cancer
Pruritus/pain common in VIN
tx = emollients, mild topical steroids
GOLD STANDARD = local surgical excision to relieve sx’s, confirm histology and exclude invasive disease
Vulvar carcinoma: epidemiology and pathology
most common over 60 y/o
95% SCC’s
Vulvar carcinoma: aetiology
de novo
associated with lichen sclerosis, immunosupression, smoking and Paget’s disease of the vulva
vulvar carcinoma: clinical features
History: pruritus, bleeding/discharge, may find mass, malignancy often presents late
Examination: ulcer/mass most commonly on labia major or clitoris, inguinal lymph nodes may be enlarged, hard and immobile
vulvar carcinoma: spread and staging
50% stage 1
local spread to lymph drainage of vulva (superficial to deep inguinal nodes to external iliac nodes)
staging is surgical and histological (i.e. after surgery)
Vulvar carcinoma: Ix
biopsy for diagnosis and histological type
CXR, ECG, FBC, U+E for fitness for surgery
Vulvar carcinoma: treatment (mc guide)
stage 1a: local excision w/o inguinal lymphadenopathy
other stages: sentinel lymph node biopsy, complete inguinofemoral lymphadenopathy
carcinoma of the vulva at a glance