Disorders of the Pancreas Flashcards
What condition is described below?
25% of this general non-obese nondiabetic population have insulin
resistance of a magnitude similar to that seen in type 2 diabetes
Insulin Resistance Syndrome
These insulin resistant non-diabetic individuals are at much higher
risk for developing what than insulin-sensitive subjects?
type 2 diabetes
Patients with insulin resistance syndrome are at higher risk for what other comorbidities?
Elevated triglycerides
Decreased HDLs
increased cerebrovascular and cardiac morbidity and mortality
What is the leading cause of kidney failure, non-traumatic lower
limb amputations, and new cases of blindness amount adults in the
United States?
What is a major cause of heart disease and stroke?
What is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States?
List some of the high risk populations for the development of diabetes
African Americans
American Indians
Alaska Natives
Pacific Islanders
Which type of diabetes is 5-10% of diagnosed cases of diabetes?
Type I
Which type of diabetes is 90-95% diagnosed cases of diabetes?
Type II
Gestational diabetes accounts for what percentage of all U.S. pregnancies?
Gestational: 7% of all U.S. pregnancies
Normally, postprandial hyperglycemia is regulated by what?
Clearance of ingested glucose by the liver
Suppression of hepatic glucose production
Peripheral clearance of glucose
In impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes, glucose regulation is
impaired by what?
Delayed and reduced insulin secretion
Lack of suppression of glucagon
Hepatic and peripheral insulin resistance
Condition in which individuals have blood glucose or A1C levels
higher than normal but not high enough to be classified as diabetes
Increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and
Prediabetes who do what can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes and in some cases return their blood glucose levels to normal?
lose weight and increase their physical activity
Measures of Hyperglycemia:
Reflects mean glucose over 2-3 month period
Hemoglobin A1c
Measures of Hyperglycemia:
Without regard to time of last meal
Random plasma glucose
Measures of Hyperglycemia:
Before breakfast
Fasting plasma glucose
Measures of Hyperglycemia:
Post-prandial plasma glucose
2 hours after a meal
Mainly a characteristic of insulin resistance syndrome
Features are: High serum triglyceride level: 300-400 mg/dL, Low HDL: <30mg/dL, Small dense LDL that carries supernormal quantities of cholesterol
Treatment consists of diet, exercise, and hypoglycemic control
Diabetic Dyslipidemia
In type 2 patients, successful what remains the key to achieving control of hyperglycemia, hypertension, and dyslipidemia?
successful weight management
Occurs predominately in adults, but becoming more common in
children and adolescents
90% of all diabetes
There is a deficiency in the response of pancreatic β cells to glucose
Genetic and environmental factors
Diabetes Type II
What is the most important environmental factor in diabetes type II?
What is the pathophysiology of diabetes type II?
Less insulin production and resistance to open the gate (Circulating insulin is enough to prevent ketoacidosis but not to prevent hyperglycemia)
Beta cell dysfunction/loss
Insulin resistance
Hepatic sensitivity to insulin is decreased
List some risk factors for diabetes type II
Older age
Overweight (BMI ≥25 or >20% over ideal body weight)
Abnormal lipid levels (HLD <35, TG >250)
Family history of diabetes
History of gestational diabetes
History of vascular disease
Signs of insulin resistance
Previous IGT or IFG (impaired)
Inactive lifestyle
Race (African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders)
List the essentials of diagnosis for diabetes type II
Ketonuria and weight loss generally are uncommon at time of
Plasma glucose of ≥126mg/dL after an overnight fast on more than
one occasion
After 75g oral glucose, diagnostic values are ≥200mg/dL 2 hours after
the oral glucose
What may be the initial manifestation of diabetes type II in women?
Candida vaginitis
Visceral obesity, due to accumulation of fat in the omental and mesenteric regions, correlated with what?
insulin resistance