Disorders and syndromes Flashcards
Panic Disorder
Recurrent panic attacks (1-30 min). With or without agoraphobia (anxiety in certain situations/places).
Generalized anxiety disorder
No fear for specific placer/situations/objects. Less intense anxiety but its there all the time.
A persistent, irrational fear of an object or situation. High level of anxiety in response.
Social anxiety disorder
Sever anxiety in public situations. Fear of being evaluated by others.
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Thoughts (often fear of hurting others) or impulses (compulsions) that persist and cannot be dismissed. Biological factors are the biggest cause.
Post traumatic stress disorder
Is caused by witnessing/being exposed to trauma severe enough to be outside the range of normal human experience. Causes nightmares, flashbacks, panic attacks etc.
Suicide: process, risk factors, assessment, common?
Process: ideation -> planning -> attempting -> committing
More common in low income countries and in men. Most often by firearms, poison and knives.
Risk factors: other disorders, male, impulsive behaviour, dark history etc.
Risk assessment: sucide staircase, sad person scale etc.
The person is not able to percieve reality. Hallucinations or delusions. Can occur after medication, drug abuse, lon time with no sleep etc.
Scizophrenic spectrum disorder (Schizophrenia)
Common with comorbidity. Often caused by genetics, birth injuries and head trauma. Drugs give a lot of side effects, however no treatment is worse. DSM 5.
Depression: different types, cause?
Major depressive disorder (mild, moderate or severe).
Persistent = dysthymia.
Chronic = lower severity, but persistent.
Cause: imbalance in serotonin and norepinephrine, genetics, childhood stress etc.
Bipolar disorder: different types, cause?
Depression - euthymia - hypomania - mania
Cause: strong genetic disposition.
Bipolar I: more manic.
Bipolar II: more dperessive and hypomanic episodes mostly.
Neurodevelopmental disorder
Established condition of symptoms (communication, intellectual, attention deficit etc). Not always permannent.
Three models
Medical/individual model: diability situated in the individual, a peronal tragedy. Learn to live with it.
Social model: disability is caused by social barriers (attitudes, discrimination, structural problems). Disability is a social contruct.
Relative model/biopsycosocial model: disability is a product of the individual and society.
Neurodevelopmental disability
Difficulties, but not an established disorder. Often seen as learning difficulties. Children often have high intelligence. Can be caused in geneteics, drinking while pregnant etc.
Autism spectrum disorder: different categories, symptoms, criteria, cause?
More common in boys. An umbrella term for all symptoms (most often social communication and restricted/repetitive behaviours).
Categorized by: mild (require support), moderate (impairments apparent even with support), severe (substantial support, severe deficits).
Criteria: symptoms present in childhood and cause significant impairments. Can not be explained in another way.
Risk factors: twins, sibling with autism, genetics, older parents, preterm birth.
DSM 5, ICD 10/11