DISEASES Flashcards
fever of unknown origin (FUO)
- temp >38.3, >3wks, one week inpatient eval
- virus is most common
sepsis/septic shock
nosocomial infections
bacterial endocarditis
what does exanthem mean?
-eruption on the skin (usually caused by viruses but can be other infections)
what does enanthem mean?
-eruption on mucous membranes (viruses or bacteria or hypersensitivity
Kawasaki syndrome (rash section) –fever AND 4 of 5 things?
- fever AND (4/5):
1. conjunctivitis (no exudate)
2. mucous membrane changes (injected pharynx, erythema, swelling/fissuring of lips, strawberry tongue)
3. peripheral extremity changes (edema, desquamation, erythema, beau lines (transverse lines on nails)
4. polymorphous rash
5. cervical lymphadenopathy
mainly kids 3mo-5yrs
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (rash section)
- tick bites (rickettsia)
- NORTH CAROLINA, tenessee, okla, missouri, ark
- faint macules to maculopapules to petechiae (appears 2-6 days into fever)
- starts on wrists/ankles, spreads centrally
- tx w/ doxycycline
erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) (rash section)
- parvovirus
- SLAPPED CHEEK rash (firey red)
- progresses to LACY RETICULAR rash on trunk and extremities
- school aged (5-15)
toxic shock syndrome (rash section)
- S. aureus toxin (cultures are negative)
- diffuse macular erythematous rash, DESQUAMATION of hands and feet
- rash appears AFTER fever
- adults
- rehydration (due to diarrhea and vomiting) and IV antistaphylococcal drugs
varicella / herpes zoster (rash section)
-both caused by varicella zoster
-vzv: dew drops on a rose petal (become vesicles, pustules then crust;
begin on face/trunk then move to extremities
-shingles: usually over 60yrs, dermatomal rash
scarlet fever (rash section)
- strep throat with a fever
- diffuse, erythematous rash, like a sunburn, intense in groin and axillas
- blanchable, recedes in 2-5 days
- tx w/ PCN or erythromycin
rubella (German measles) (rash section)
- blueberry muffin rash (fine pink maculopapular rash)
- togavirus
- worry about this w/ pregnancy (deafness in infant)
- face first then trunk/extremities
- post. cervical and post auricular lymphadenopathy
roseola (exanthem subitum, 6th disease) (rash section)
- primarily with young kids (3mo-3yrs)
- blanchable macules and papules AFTER resolution of fever
- starts on TRUNK and spreads to head/neck/extremities
Lyme disease (rash section)
-erythema migrans; TICK bite (borrelia bergdorferi)
-red TARGET LESION at site of tick bite
-rash before fever
stage 1: flu like with rash
stage 2: facial palsy, meningitis
stage 3: arthritis
-tx w/ doxycycline
rubeola (measles) (rash section)
- koplik spots (pathonogmonic)
- cough, coryza, conjunctivitis (3 C’s)
- BRICK RED irregular, maculopapular rash
typhus – endemic / epidemic
- endemic: flea borne (rickettsia typhi); maculopapular rash on TRUNK fades rapidly; appears after fever
- epidemic: louse borne (rick prowazeki) in africa, central/south america; maculopapular, after fever, begins in AXILLA then moves to body (NO FACE, PALMS, SOLES)
hemophilus influenza pneumonia
- 2nd most common chronic cardiopulm disease
- one of the most common CAP
- gradual onset - fever and sputum
- sudden onset - chest pain, dyspnea, sputum, chills, fatigue
- amoxycillin, macrolide
klebsiella pneumonia
- typical pneumonia; hospital acquired (common in alcoholics)
- currant jelly sputum
- flu like s/s; cough associated w/ aspiration
- aminoglycosides or cephalosporins
mycoplasmal pneumonia
- ATYPICAL pneumonia: walking pneumonia
- young adults, crowded areas
- incessant cough (non or mildly productive)
- xray is atypical (patchy infiltrates)
- macrolides, fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines
- incarceration, household exposures, 1/3 world pop
- chronic cough (blood), slowly progressive, fatigue
- xray shows pulm opacities (apical)
- culture 3 consecutive sputum
- tx w/ mult drugs
pertussis (whooping cough)
-most cases occur before age 2
3 stages:
1. catarrhal - 2 wk prodrome w/ insidious onset hacking night cough, malaise, anorexia, coryza
2. paroxysmal - burst of rapid cough with deep WHOOPING inspiration
3. convalescent stage - 4wks post onset, decreases in severity and frequency
- mold in soil of SW US, mexico, opportunistic inf.
- influenza like, erythema nodosum, arthralgia w/ pariarticular swelling
- respiratory tract (can be pneumonitis or cavitation on the xray)
- coynebacterium
- exotoxin
- tenacious gray membrane over pharynx (mild sore throat, malaise)
- tx w/ antitoxin and removal of membrane
legionella pneumonia (Legionnaire’s disease)
- ATYPICAL pneumonia; affects immunocompromise
- 3rd or 4th most common CAP
- pleuretic chest pain, little sputum, toxic appearing, high fever
- xray: focal patchy infiltrates/consolidation
- higher mortality w/out tx
- tx w/ azithromycin, fluoroquinolone
pneumococcal pneumonia (strep pneumoniae)
- most common CAP
- typical
- productive cough, fever, rigors, dyspnea, pleuretic chest pain
- xray: consolidating lobar pneumonia
- amoxicilin
- rodent transmission (aerosols of feces, urine); SW US
- VASCULAR LEAKAGE, resp compromise, pulm edema
- supportive care; 35% fatality, intubation in many cases
- epidemic pattern in fall/winter
- abrupt onset: fever chills, malaise, non productive cough, myalgias
- reye syndrome: rapid hepatic failure & encephalopathy (DONT GIVE ASA TO KIDS)
- spread by resp droplets; mostly kids, severe in adults; spreads in spring time
- uni or bilateral swollen parotid glands and facial edema
- viral disease
- ATYPICAL pneumonia
- from BIRDS
- delayed signs of pneumonitis but RAPID onset
- fever, chills, myalgia, dry cough (contact w/ infected bird)
- tx w/ tetracycline, erythromycin
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
- coronavirus
- ATYPICAL pneumonia
- horse shoe bat
- range from asymptomatic to severe resp illness
- fever, chills, rigor, dry cough, SOB
- antiviral therapy inconclusive
- mortality 10-14%
- found in SOIL gram + anaerobe (SHEEP, CATTLE)
- cutaneous: painless, necrotic eschar w/ raised erythematous skin at site of innoculation - limited
- pulm: inhalation of spores (pneumonia and flu like sx) - fatal if no tx
- 1st infection=severe head, back, joint, muscle PAIN, rash (from extremities to torso)
- 2nd infection=fatal autoimmune response
- tx w/ volume support
cat scratch disease
- papule/ulcer develops at scratch site (KITTEHHH)
- bartonella henselae
- erythromycin
- primary: fever, malaise, resembles mono
- congenital-infected momma, leads to CNS abnormalities in infant
- immunocompromised-encephalitis, necrotizing brain lesions
- francisella tularensis (gram neg)
- RABBIT transmission - necrotic ulcer at site of infection; tick bite
- fever, headache, nausea
- pneumonia
- streptomycin
- yersinia pestis (gram neg)
- rapid onset fever, tachycardia, headache
- regional BUBOS (around flea bite) hemorrhagic lymphadenopathy (neck, groin, axilla)
- pneumonia fatal if untreated
- vancomycin, streptomycin (IV)
- cattle, hogs, goats INGESTION OF UNPAST. MILK
- severe low back pain, fever, cervical/axillary lymphadenopathy
- doxy AND rifampin, strep, genta
- INTERMITTENT fever, chills, sweating
- anemia, splenomegaly
- south/central america, africa, middle east, india, SE asia
typhoid fever
- salmonella typhi and paratyphi
- prolonged fever (4 wks)-step ladder
- GI s/s delayed
- PEA SOUP diarrhea
- macular rash (ROSE SPOTS)
- recurrent/sustained bacteremia common
- tx w/ quinolones or 3rd gen cephalosporins
enterohemorrhagic E. coli
- produces SHIGA toxin; more common in developed regions
- hallmark grossly bloody diarrhea (w/in few hrs or days)
- LACK OF FEVER; significant abd pain
- HUS in very young or elderly
- AVOID ABX!!–increases toxin production and HUS
- tx w/ h2o and electrolytes
-salm. highest foodborne in US
-under cooked food and turtles/reptiles
-n/v THEN diarrhea
- +fever, RLQ tenderness