Diseases Flashcards
Corzya at start Dry cough Red eyes Classic descending exanthema of measles Koplik spots in the mouth
Parkinsons quintet
2 or more signs = parkinsons
- Tremor at rest
- Rigidity
- Bradykinesia
- Postural instability
- Gait freezing
Plethoric moon face + thin extremities + muscle weakness
Cushings investigations
2 of
Overnight 1mg Dexamethasone suppression test
Late night salivary cortisol (2x)
24hr urinary free cortisol (2x)
Primary hyperaldosteronism
Aka conns Htn Weakness from low k High na Cramps Pokyuria and polydipsia
Investigation for conns
Serum and urine aldosterone Plasma renin low Na high K low Alkalosis Imaging of adrenals - mri or ct
Addison’s disease
Fatigue + a/n/v + abdominal pain (+/- skin discoloration)
Weight loaa
Investigation for addisons
Elevated k Low na Short synacthen test is definitive Morning serum cortisol level Consider adrenal auto antibodies and ?calcification of adrenals
Phaeochromocytoma investigation
Series of 3x 24hr free catecholamines
Ct or mri abdomen
Vestibular neuritis
acute or subacute rotatory vertigo, nausea, NO hearing loss
if severe prednisone 1mg/kg up to 75mg PO mane for 5 days then taper over 15 days
bones, moans, stones, abdominal groans
weakness + constipation + polyuria
cramps + confusion + tetany
Carcinoid symptoms & ix
facial flushing + diarrhea + valvular heart disease
serum chromograna A + urine 5HA, hepatic USS
Reactive arthritis
urethritis + conjuncitivits +/- iritis + arthritis
from Chalmydia, or enteric such as Salmonella
Lichen planus
4 Ps papule purple polygonal pruritic
Pagets disease
raised ALP
xrays, bone scan is sensitive but not specific
acute lymphoblastic leukemia ALL
malaise, pallor, bone pain
AML acute myeloid leukemia
malaise, pallor, oral problems
chronic myeloid leukemia CML
fatigue + fever/night sweats + abdominal fullness (splenomegaly)
chronic lymphocytic leukemia CLL
fatigue + weight loss + fever/night sweats + lymphadenoaathy
‘stepladder’ fever + abdo pain + relative bradycardia
Mesenteric artery occlusion
anxiety & prostration + intense central pain + profuse vomiting +/- bloody diarrhea
Cystic fibrosis
failure to thrive + chronic cough + loose bowel actions
Multiple myeloma
weakness + back pain + susceptibility to infection
Complex regional pain syndrome diagnsotic criteria
- continuing pain disproportionate to any inciting event
- at least one symptoms of:
- sensory
- - vasomotor
- suodomotor/oiedema
- motor/trophic changes - displace sign of (one of the above categories)
- no other diagnoses better explains S/S
muscular dystrophy
duchenne muscular dystrophy = male child + abnormal gait + bulky calves
symptoms characteristic of restless legs syndrome
URGE = Urge to move, Rest induces symptoms, Gets better with activity, Evening and night time worsening
Rheumatoid arthritis poor prognostic features
RF+ anti-CCP + >20 joints swollen at presentation high disease activity at onset elevated ESR smoking early functional impairment early radiological bone erosions exta-articular disease manifestations long disease duration at presentation >3-6 months earlier age at onset of symptoms
management of CKD
advanced care planning aim BP <130.80 review eGFR every 1`-3 months review ca/po/PTH 6-12 months monitor FBC for anemia of CKD low salt diet <6g/day adequate protein intake dietician exercise CVD risk, statin stop denosumab
COPD spirometry
FEV/FVC <0.7
FEV <80% predicted
restriction on spirometry
FEV/FVC normal for age
FVC <80% predicted for age
fetal alcohol syndrome
abnormal facies + growth retardation + microcephaly
Depression DSM 5 criteria
A. 5 or more of the following symptoms present during the same 2 week period, represent a change from previous functioning, at least one of the symptoms os depressed mood or loss of interest
1. depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day
2. diminished interest or pleasure
3. weight loss or gain
4. insomnia or hypersomnia
5. psychomotor agitation or retardation
6. fatigue
7. worthlessness/guilt
8. reduced concentration
9. thoughts of death/suicidal ideation
B. cause clinically significant distress/impairment
C. not attributable to of substance/medical condition
DSM Schizophrenia
A. at least 2, for 1/12 - delsuion, hallucinations, disorganised speech, negative symptoms B impaired function C. disturbance >6/12 D. mood order excluded E. not due to substance F. not ASD/developmental