Disease - clinical manifestations Flashcards
- Tight feeling in chest
- Expiratory wheezing
- Dyspena
- Tachypnea
- Pain with breathing
- Non-productive cough
Early Phase Asthma
Severe Asthma Attack
- Expiratory AND inspiratory wheezing
- Worsening dyspnea with use of accessory muscles and retractions
- Thick tenacious mucus
- Productive cough
- Tachycardia
- Hypoxia
Pulsis Peridoxis
Persistent severe attack of asthma
- Does not respond to usual therapy
- Medical emergency
- May be fatal due to severe hypoxia and acidosis
Status Asthmaticus
-Hyperventilation with prolonged expiratory phase
-Barrel Chest
-Pink puffer
-Pursed lip breathing
-Weight Loss
(Pulmonary HTN)
(Cor Pulmonale)
- Chronic productive cough
- Purulent sputum
- Rhonchi
- Wheezing
- Tachypnea
- Hypoxia
- Hypercapnia
- Cyanosis; “blue bloater”
- Severe barrel chest
- Polycythemia
- Weight loss
- Cor Pulmonale
Chronic Bronchitis
What is the most significant concern for Chronic Bronchitis?
Recurrent pulmonary infections
- Tachypnea
- Dyspnea
- Low O2 sat
- Diminished lung sounds
- Hyperventilation
- Chest Pain
- Sweating, lightheadedness or fainting
- Weak pulse
- Tachycardia
- Pulmonary HTN
Pulmonary Embolism
-Increased chest pain with coughing or breathing
-Tachypnea (sudden)
-Dyspnea (sudden)
Large Emboli
- Severe crushing chest pain
- Low CP
- Rapid weak pulse
- Loss of consciousness
Massive emboli
- Malaise
- Weight loss
- Night sweats
- Fatigue
- Anorexia
- Low-grade fever
- Chest pain
- Cough with bloody sputum
- Diffuse spread
- Insidious onset
- Yellow-green purulent mucus
- Inflammatory exudate in alveoli
- Productive cough
- Moderate fever
- Rales
- Localized spread
- Community acquired
- Rusty sputum
- Consolidation in alveoli from exudate
- Fibrous exudate
- Pus in pleural lining (Anti-Ampiema)
- Productive cough
- Rales
- High fever with chills
- Fatigue
- Leukocytosis
- Confusion and disorientation (from low O2)
Lobar Pneumonia
Interstitial Pneumonia
- No exudate - dry cough
- Insidious onset
- Diffuse
- Interstitial inflammation
- Hoarseness
- Sore throat
- Mild fever
- Malaise
- Self-limiting
- Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Tachycardia
- Cyanosis
- Expirational Dyspnea
- Blood tinged sputum
- Wheezes and crackles
- Confusion
- Restlessness
- Orthopnea
Left sided CHF
Right Sided CHF
- ascites
- fatigue
- peripheral venous pressure
- dependent edema
- enlarged liver and spleen
- distended jugular vein
- anorexia, complaints of GI distress
- swelling of hands and feet
- orthopnea
Patients with Left sided CHF will have increased levels of what hormone?
Patients with Emphysema will have decreased levels of…?
Alpha-1 Anti-Trypsin
-CNS changes
If a patient has elevated C-Reactive protein, what condition may they have?
What are the classic manifestations of MI for MEN?
- chest pain - radiates down left arm
- fatigue
- weakness
- syncope
- anxiety
- sweating
- indigestion
- pallor
- anxiety, fear
- confusion
- increased HR
- decreased BP
- increased respiratory rate and depth
- decreased CO
- cool skin
- decrease in body temp
- low hemoglobin and HCT
Hemorrhagic Shock
Cardiogenic Shock
- increased HR
- increased RR
- decreased BP
- impaired cerebral perfusion –> anxiety and delirium
- crackles
- cyanosis
- decreased cap refill
- cool, clammy skin
- decreased renal blood flow
- decreased UO
- increased concentration of Na
- increased HR
- decreased BP
- chest pain
- wheezing
- stridor
- flushing
- pruritis
- uticaria
- nausea/vomiting
- syncope
- sweling of lips and tongue
- angioedema
Anaphylactic shock
- decreased BP
- decreased RR
- crackles
- warm then cool skin
- vital organ dysfunction
Septic Shock
- decreased HR
- decreased BP
- decreased RR
- syncope
- dry, warm skin
Neurogenic shock
(decreased metabolism)
- fatigue
- intolerance to cold
- dry skin, loss of hair
- decreased HR (bradycardia)
- myxedema coma
- constipation
- goiter
- diarrhea
- increased HR / arrhythmia
- increased BP
- oily skin
- fine hair
- goiter
- exopthalmos
- heat intolerance
- weakness
- oligomenorrhea
- muscle spasms
- hyperphosphatemia
- increased neuroexcitability
- diarrhea
- cramps
- increased peristalsis
- tetany
- Chvostek and trousseau
- muscle weakness
- decreased neuroexcitability
- bone disease
- polyuria
- calcium stones / kidney stones
- constipation, abdominal pain, pancreatitis, anorexia
- edema/3rd spacing
- decreased UO
- concentrated urine
- hyponatremia –> irritability, disorientation, weakness, headache, psychosis, seizure, coma, anorexia, nausea, vomit
- hypernatremia - CNS manifestations
- polyuria
- dehydration
- excessive thirst
- decrease in blood volume
- shock (hypovolemic)
Diabetes Insipidus
- hypoglycemia –> weakness, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, vomit/nausea/diarrhea
- salt cravings (due to lack of aldosterone)
- dehydration
- hyponatremia
- hyperkalemia
- orthostatic hypotension
- hyperpigmentation
- moonface
- buffalo hump
- obesity of trunk
- fat pad
- muscle weakness
- osteoporosis
- kidney stones
- glucose intolerance –> hyperglycemia
- suppression of immunity
- hypokalemia
- impaired stress response