Disease And Imunity Flashcards
Is a disease-causing organism.
Eg. Bacteria, viruses, fungi or protoctists.
Mechanical barriers
The skin acts a barrier to pathogens.
If it’s damaged, blood clots serve to quickly seal up the cut, prevent infections
Hairs in your nose trap particles from the air that could contain pathogens.
Chemical barriers
Cells in your trachea and bronchi( airways and lungs) produce mucus, which trap pathogens
The stomach produces produces acids, which kill most pathogens that are swallowed.
Phagocytes(white blood cells)
Some white blood cells detect things that are foreign to the body.eg pathogens- enfold them and digest them.
This process is called phagocytosis.
Antibody production
Some white blood cells make proteins called antibodies. Antibodies are used to destroy pathogens.
Active immunity
The defense against a pathogen by the production of antibodies in the body.