Disease and health Flashcards
What are the social determinants of health
The conditions that we live, work and socialize in and how they influence our quality of life and our health risks
What type of studies do HP mostly use
What is epigenetics
What factors causes genes to turn on and off
What type of prevention can completely prevent the illness
Primary prevention
How can primary prevention help prevent the illness
Changing risky behvaiours
What is tertiary prevention
You have the illness the goal is to either a) contain it or b) retard the damage
What is so special about the leading cause of death today
Most are preventable by simply reducing your tobacco use, obesity and lack of PA
What is illness behaviour
Seek remedy by going to see a doctor
What is sick role behaviour
Seek to get well by taking medications
What are health protective behaviour seen as
What does the relapse prevention model of health state
1) Behaviour change is fairly hard but
2) maintaining that change is even harder
Which system allows us to change our irrational thoughts by using rational thoughts as a replacement
ABCDE system
What does the process of motivational interviewing consist of
1) Open-ended questions: for self-reflection
2) Affirmations: encourage/recognize progress
3) Listening: show understanding
4) Help client process information
In the problem-behavior theory, how are risky behaviour seen.
Not as accidental but rather as goal-directed
What is the triadic influence theory
Behaviours are shaped by
1) Biological factors
2) Social context
3) Environmental influences
What system explains why teenagers are more likely to engage in risky behaviors and why
1) Dopaminergic system
2) Between childhood and adolescence the brain becomes reward-centric
What is the most predictive level of causation
What is psychedelic-assisted therapy
Ingest consciousness altering substances (ketamine and LSD) to bring awareness to past memories and trauma
What is the best way to access illness cognitions
What do interviews avoid
Priming the subject
What is the role of a HP in crisis of illness
Emphasize how people are motivated to return to a normal state
What is the process behind help-seeking
Deciding to get professional help related to a health problem
What are the two main things that help-seeking is based off of
1) Symptoms: indicates that something is wrong
2) Sign: unormality
Is pain viewed as a sensation or a perception
What is pain a combination off
Combination of a physical and a psychological state
What is the gate-control theory
Pain is an active perception, it cannot be passive
What is the role of mindfullness and pain
Give a purpose and meaning to pain
When does medical hypnosis happen
Before trance state
What is medical hypnosis
Used to treat pain
There is some information coming from the inside and some coming from the outside
What is needed for a placebo to have an effect
1) Individual need to believe that the intervention will be effective
2) If illness is from a medical cause, it holds your belief and will work best
3) Health professional need to believe in the treatment if not you may communicate doubt to patient
What is a nocebo effect
Opposite of placebo
The factors actually get worse
When talking to a patient should you say they have a lack of
1) Awarness
2) Knowledge
3) Information
Lack of information
Why is using lack of information, more beneficial
It puts the blame on someone else, they didn’t inform you, it is less personal.
What is a shit job
a job that doesn’t pay well and doesn’t involve good working conditions
What is a bullshit job
You pay the employee for a job that has absolutely no significance.
What kind of jobs are: Flunky jobs, goons, duct tapers, box tickers and taskmaster a part of
Bullshit jobs
What is a flunky job
Exist only to make someone else look good/feel important
What are goons
Aggresive elements, only exist because someone else chose to
What are duct tapers
Job only exists because of a glitch, sought to solve a problem that doesn’t exists
What are box tickers
Exists only to pretend they are doing something specific but are really not doing much
What are taskmasters
1) Give assignments to others
2) Create bullshit tasks for others to do
What is the disability paradox theory
State that people with serious disabilities report having a higher quality of life than healthy people