Disconnection Syndromes: Disconnection Flashcards
What is disconnection?
Removing/cutting the corpus callosum, separating the left hemisphere from the right hemisphere.
What are the 3 conditions for disconnection?
- Therapy for epilepsy
- Individuals born with reduced/absent interhemispheric connections or callosal agenis
- To trace functional systems (in animals)
What is commissurtomy?
The surgical severing of the cerebral commissures.
What is Callosal Agenesis?
Where the corpus callosum is partially or completely missing.
How is smell affected from disconnection?
Cannot name odours when presented to right nostril. However, can correctly pick up associated object with left hand.
How is vision affected from disconnection?
Verbal material is more accurately picked up from the right visual field. Visuospatial input is more accurately picked up from the left visual field.
How is touch affected by disconnection?
Object in left hand can be correctly picked out with left hand but not right hand. Object in right hand can be named but not when the object is in the left hand.
How is hearing affected in disconnection?
Only input to the right ear has been reported. Left ear has no input.
How is movement affected in disconnection?
There would be motor deficits. For example the left hand would be unable to obey verbal commands and the right hand would be unable to copy geometric designs.