Disaster Relief and Rescue Operation/ Civil Military Operation/ Basic Combat Formation Flashcards
What is Civil-Military Operations?
encompasses those economic, psycho-political and psycho-social activities are undertaken by the AFP in coordination with Civil Government Agencies (CGA), Local Government Units (LGU) and Non-Government Organizations (NGO) prior to or during subsequent to combat operations and/or natural or man-made disasters and calamities.
What are the 6 AFP Personnel-oriented Programs?
- Military values education (MILVED)
- Livelihood enhancement
- Community Relations (COMREL)
- Civic Action (CIVAC)
- Public Information (PUBLIC INFO)
Enemy-oriented programs
- Psychological Operations (PSYOPS)
Military Values Education
the dynamic process of learning internalizing, upholding and practicing universal truths, moral principles and time-honored intrinsic military values and ethics essential to the pursuit of AFP goals and objectives.
- Military Livelihood
Enhancement Program
designed to provide necessary assistance to the soldier and his dependents to embark on productive ventures that enable him to cope with harsh economic realities while in the active service and during retirement.
Military Civic Action
the use of AFP resources in predominantly non-military projects and activities useful to the people and supportive of combat operations in such fields as socio-economic: health and sanitation; agri-industrial; education and the like.
Community Relations Program
the active participation of AFP personnel, individual or collectively as an AFP unit, in people-oriented rallies like: anti-drug abuse, anti-smut and other campaign against immoral activities. It also includes open-houses, static displays of military hardware, and use of camp facilities/utilities for people-oriented projects.
- Public Information Program
is the dissemination of military information through all forms of communication media to include inter-personal, face-to-face communication to the internal audience and more specifically to the public-at-large with the view of informing them about what the afp has done, is doing and plans to do to bring about peace and security.
Fire and movement
When a unit makes contact with the enemy, it
normally starts firing at and moving toward the
enemy or move away from the enemy. That
technique is called fire and movement.
It is conducted either to close with and
destroy the enemy, or to move away from the
enemy so as to break contact with him.
Four (4) types of fire team
Column Formation
Skirmishes (right/left)
Squad column
The squad column is the squad's most common formation. - It provides good dispersion laterally and in-depth without sacrificing control, and facilitates maneuver. -The lead fire team is the base fire team.
Squad line
the squad line provides maximum firepower to
the front.
- When a squad is acting as the base squad,
the fire team on the right is the base fire team.
Squad file.
- Has the same characteristics
as the fire team file. - If the squad leader desires to
increase his control over the formation, exert greater morale
presence by leading from the
front, - Additional control over the rear
of the formation can be provided
by moving a team leader to the
last position.
Squad file.
- Has the same characteristics
as the fire team file. - If the squad leader desires to
increase his control over the formation, exert greater morale
presence by leading from the
front, - Additional control over the rear
of the formation can be provided
by moving a team leader to the
last position.
Why we have civil defense?
Prevent loss of life by rescue and removal
of people to places of safety.
- Prevent needless suffering of people.
- Protect property and
- Minimize damages during disasters and