Combat Movement Tactics/Protective Measures Flashcards
Suitable for fast movement
Provide adequate security.
Use available cover and
Provide good observation
- Knowledge of the use of
camouflage & concealment.
Techniques and aids to day
Take advantage of anything that
provide concealment in the
A. Fogs C. Rain B. Haze D. Smoke E. Darkness INDIVIDUAL COMBAT TRAINING Tall grasses give good concealment when properly used. Move only when the wind blows. Avoid moving in a straight line throughout. Change direction from time to time. Be alert on the movement of any kind. Flight of birds of any kind
INDIVIDUAL COMBAT TRAINING Absence of birds and animals. Unusual rustle of leaves and twigs. Take advantage of destruction. When land moves. Exploding shells Flying airplanes Avoid leaving footprints.
INDIVIDUAL COMBAT TRAINING Select spots Avoid loose rocks or stones Avoid wet surfaces. Know how to cross streams. Keep arms and ammunitions dry Improvise craft to float equipment if possible remove
INDIVIDUAL COMBAT TRAINING Boots and clothing. When crawling plowed fields Avoid string dust Take route over the hardest surface Follow the furrows Avoid loading yourself with unnecessary equipment.
Crawling and Creeping
High crawl and creeping -is used when cover and concealment is available and speed is needed to close up with the objectives.
Low Crawl -is used when cover and concealment are few and speed is not needed. Body and chest is flat to the ground.
Rushing -fastest movement executed from a prone to the next dropping position when crossing an open terrain.
Prone to Rushing -keep body as flat as possible to the ground. Slightly raise head and select a new good position and concealed to cover position.
Dropping -fall forward, breaking fall with the butt of the rifle. Shift weight to your/right side and roll several times going to your new position.
Movement at night
Walking at night
-keep weight on one foot as you step. Feel the ground with your toe
before stepping it down. Do it
alternately in the same manner.
Hitting the ground at night
-crouch slowly and hold the rifle
under the armpit and fell the
ground with a free hand.
Crawling at night – keep on hand on the spot and bring forward knees until it meet the hand. With hands feel the ground for the knees .Clear again next spot for other knees do the same way and alternately and silently.
Sound – depends mostly upon ears to get into the enemy and exercise care to keep enemy for hearing you. When shouting stop frequently to listen.
Smell - sense of smell may
warn you of any enemy fire,
cooking lines , gasoline and oil
Night vision – adopt eyes in seeing at night, by enlarging the pupil of the eye in order to let in more light keep out off lights around you and do not look straight to the light.
Appearance and sizes -
darkness changes the
appearance and sizes of an
5. Touch - learn to operate and adjust the equipment by touch alone. Use to feel how to recognize objects in the dark.
Concealment - At night it is provided by darkness unless there is moonlight. Movement is different from daytime movement in absolute silence.
is the protection against enemy fire or hostiles weapons.
Types of cover:
Natural cover - made by
nature/ need no change.
Ex: Ditches of canals Depression Embankment Boulders
B. Artificial cover -
constructed from issued
materials or made by man.
Types of cover:
Natural cover - made by
nature/ need no change.
Ex: Ditches of canals Depression Embankment Boulders
B. Artificial cover -
constructed from issued
materials or made by man.
is the
protection against enemy
observation but not enemy fire.
Types of concealment:
Natural concealment
-Made by matters/ need no Change.
Log pile
Artificial concealment
- constructed from issued
materials or individual found in
the vicinity.
Rules of Concealment:
Avoid unnecessary movement
Blend with the background
Take advantage of the shadow
Break the regular outline of the object.
Keep off the skyline.
is anything you use to keep yourself, your equipment and your position from looking like what they are. Both natural and man-made material can be used for camouflage.