Disability awareness Flashcards
What is disability?
It is someone with a physical or mental impairment that has effects on their ability to do normal daily activities.
What are the four types of disability?
-Sensory: affecting one or more senses such as blindness or deafness
-Mental illness: cognitive, emotional or social processes
-Learning: Communication, learning or processing information
-Physical disability: affecting the function of the limbs, body, mobility, stamina or dexterity
What is direct discrimination?
Someone treated less favourably because of their disability
What is indirect discrimination?
When a rule is applied to everyone but puts people with disabilities at a disadvantage compared to people without.
What is failure to make reasonable adjustments?
It’s a type of discrimination when reasonable adjustments are not made for those who require them due to a disability.
What is a discrimination arising from a disability?
It’s an unfair treatment that happens to someone because of something connected to their disability rather than the disability itself.
What is harrassment?
It’s a discrimination when someone behaves in a humiliating or intimidating way towards someone with a disability.
What is victimization?
It’s when someone is treated badly because they reported a discrimination or helped someone who was being discriminated.
What is discrimination by association?
It’s when someone does not have a disability but are treated unfairly because of their association with someone who does have a disability.
What is discrimination by perception?
It’s when someone doesn’t have a disability but others think they do and treat them unfairly because of that.
Making reasonable adjustments. What are the 3 levels?
-Changing policies and process (criteria for promotion, training, benefits, working conditions, contractual arrangements,…)
-Physical adjustments to the premises (structure, emergency exits, narrow doorways, heavy doors, bad lighting, shelf heights, …)
-Adding extra aids and services (large printed menu, adaptative keyboards for team members with arthritis, …)
What does PEEPs stands for?
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans
How to assist people with low vision or blindness?
-Guide them using verbal instructions, with estimated distances and directional terms
-Inform them where you both are and where any obstacles are located
-Once safe orient them to their surroundings
How to assist people deaf or hard of hearing?
-Install fire alarm with warning lights
-If you have a PEEPs folder, retrieve the resource that explains the need to evacuate, and instruction to follow the exit route
-Blink the lights to get their attention, give visual instructions about the safest routes
What is a reasonable adjustments?
-Is it going to meet the need of a person with a disability?
-Is it practical?
-Is it affordable or is there financial support available?
-Would there be any disruption for other people?