Directors' Long-term Service Contracts and Substantial Property Transactions Flashcards
Directors' Duties
What are the key rules surrounding directors’ service contracts?
- Generally a directors’ service agreement only requires approval by Board Resolution
- Shareholder approval is required to enter into long-term service contracts. The director is not permitted to vote or count in quorum on any board resolution relating to the contract
- Company must keep its directors’ service contracts at its registered office for inspection by the members
What is a long-term service contract?
A contract which is or may be for a guaranteed period in excess of two years
The guaranteed term applies to:
- contractual term of more than two years or where the director is in control of how long the contract continues and the company cannot terminate/can only terminate in specific circumstances
- period of notice which must be given by the company
- an aggregate of the above (e.g., the company cannot terminate for first 18 months and thereafter must give nine months notice)
What shareholder resolution is required to approve a directors’ long-term service contract?
Ordinary resolution
What does the ‘guaranteed term’ apply to?
- a period during which the contract is to continue, other than at the instance of the company (contractual term of more than two years or where the director is in control of how long the contract continues)
- during this time the company either cannot terminate the contract, or can only terminate in specific circumstances
- the period of notice to be given by the company
What is meant by the requirement for the company to agree to the guaranteed term?
If there is a requirement for the company to agree to an extension of the service contract, this is not a guaranteed term
“if both parties agree” - the director does not have the unilateral right to extend
What are the consequences if a company agrees a provision in a service contract in contravention of s188?
- The contract itself is not void
- But the term beyond two years is void
- There is an implied term of reasonable notice inserted - implied term that the company can terminate the contract upon reasonable notice
What are the Companies House disclosure requirements for directors and secretary?
- Company must maintain register of directors and secretary and keep these at its registered office
- Must notify Companies House of changes using form AP01 (director) and AP03 (secretary)
- Form TM01 for removal of director
- Info at Companies House is publicly available
- Register must be open for inspection by any member of company without charge and by any other person on payment of fee
What is the procedure for long-term service contracts?
Where ordinary resolution is to be passed at General Meeting, a memorandum setting out the proposed contract must be made available for inspection by members both:
a) at the company’s registered office for not less than 15 days ending with date of the meeting; and
b) at the general meeting itself
What is the minimum notice that needs to be give to approve the long-term service contract?
Minimum of 15 days’ notice, unless written resolution procedure is followed
What is the procedure for when the written resolution procedure is used?
- No 15 days notice requirement
- Memorandum setting out proposed contract must be sent or submitted to every eligible member at or before the time at which the proposed resolution is sent or submitted to the member
What are the rules regarding approval of holding companies / subsidiaries for long-term service contracts
- If the director is also a director of any holding company, the shareholders of the holding company will also need to give approval
- Approval is not required by the members of any company which is a wholly owned subsidiary of another company
What is the duty of directors to declare any interest in a proposed transaction?
- Any director who is interested in a proposed transaction with the company must declare the nature and extent of their interest to the other directors
- Director must declare interest ini proposed transaction before it is entered, by BM, in writing before BM, or one-off general notice
- A written notice must be sent to all directors
- Direct and indirect interests
- Directors required to disclose interests in existing transactions or arrangements entered into by the company
In which circumstances is a director not required to make a declaration as to their interest in a proposed transaction?
- Director is not aware / ought not to be reasonably aware
- Interest cannot be regarded as likely to give rise to conflict of interest
- If the conflict arises because it concerns the service contract and their service contract has been or will be considered by the board
What does MA 14 stipulate with regard to board resolutions made in respect of director’s interest in a transaction or arrangement?
A director who is interested in a transaction or arrangement with the company CANNOT vote on or count in quorum for board resolutions in respect of that transaction
Conflicted director can count / vote if:
- Company disapplies MA 14
- Director’s interest cannot reasonably be regarded as likely to give rise to conflict of interest
- Director’s conflict arises from a permitted cause
What approval is needed for an acquisition or disposal by a director/holding company director (or connected person) of a substantial non-cash asset to or from the company (substantial property transaction)
- Shareholder approval by ordinary resolution
- Must be given either before transaction is entered into, or after provided the transaction is made conditional upon approval being obtained
Holding company:
- If the transaction is between a company and a director of the company’s holding company (or connected person), the holding company will also need to approve the transaction by ordinary resolution