Allotment of Shares Flashcards
What is the nominal value of a share?
The minimum subscription or purchase price for a share - lowest amount an investor may pay to purchase the shares
What is the premium on a share?
The amount above the nominal value that represents a profit the company makes when issuing a share
What is the company’s share capital?
The total value of all issued shares
Under the maintenance of share capital doctrine, this share capital cannot be distributed to shareholders, it must be maintained in the business
What is the procedure for allotting shares?
- Is there a cap on the number of shares that can be issued?
- Do directors need authority to allot shares?
- Must pre-emption rights be disapplied on allotment?
- Must new class rights be created for the shares?
- Directors must pass a Board Resolution to allot the shares
Step 1: is there a cap on the number of shares that can be issued?
- CA 1985 - default cap on number of shares, unless amended articles. To change the cap, ordinary resolution
- CA 2006 - no default cap, unless included in the Articles. If required, change by special resolution
Step 2: do directors need authority to allot shares?
Private company with one class of shares in issue
- automatic authority to allot shares of the same class (unless prohibited by articles)
All other companies (e.g., private company with more than one class of shares)
- Must be granted authority to allot shares by Ordinary Resolution
Step 3: must pre-emption rights be disapplied?
Must dis-apply pre-emption rights for equity securities
- must offer shares to existing shareholders pro-rata first (pre-emption rights)
- can dis-apply pre-emption rights by Special Resolution
If shares are not equity securities
- shares are capped both as to dividend and capital
- pre-emption rights do not apply
What shares are NOT equity securities?
Class of shares with rights capped for both right to receive dividends and capital payment
- BOTH capped
- “fixed” = capped
- pro rata = no restrictions = equity securities
Step 4: must new class rights be created for the shares?
New class of shares being created
- not already in Articles
- must amend Articles by Special Resolution
No new class of shares created
- class already used in Articles
- no need to amend the Articles
Administrative requirements: what copies of resolutions must be sent to Companies House and by when?
Copies must be sent to Companies House within 15 days
- CA 1985: any ordinary resolution to remove cap and ordinary resolution to use s550
- Any s551 ordinary resolution granting directors authority to allot if passed
- All special resolutions regarding dis-application of pre-emption rights and/or amending articles
- amended articles sent to Companies House
What is the exception where an ordinary resolution does need to be sent to Companies House?
Normally ordinary resolutions are not sent to Companies House
But the OR passed to grant directors authority to allot shares does need to be filed at Companies House
Allotment of new shares (s551) = OR filed at Companies House
What company forms must be sent to Companies House?
- Return of allotment (Form SH01) and statement of capital within one month
- if PSC have changed
When must the company registers be updated?
- Update the register of members within two months of allotment
- update PSC register if necessary
When must share certificates be sent to new shareholders?
Share certificates must be prepared and sent to new shareholders within two months of allotment
What are treasury shares?
- Shares that have been bought back by the company itself and are held by the company ‘in treasury’
- They are issued shares being held by the company in its own name and company can subsequently sell those shares out of treasury
- Although sale of treasury shares is a transfer (not issue), s561 pre-emption rights and s573 disapplication of pre-emption rights applies
- Company can cancel treasury shares at any time or transfer them to employee share scheme