Direct Object Pronouns Flashcards
What is a direct object pronoun?
What questions do they answer?
Pronouns that receive the action of the verb directly
Answers “What” or “Whom”
Do you know LUCIA? Do you know HER?
Are you buying the PEARS? Are you buying THEM?
Where do direct object pronouns generally go in a sentance?
Immediately BEFORE the conjugated verb
Are you buying the PEARS? Compri LE PERE?
Are you buying THEM? = LE compri?
What are the direct object pronouns?
mi (me)
ti (you, infor)
lo (him/it)
la (her/it)
La (formal, masc or fem)
*lo & la = l' if followed by vowel sound
ci (us)
vi (you)
li (them, masc)
le (them, fem)
*le & li are not abbreviated
In a 2-verb construction with an infinitive, how do you use a direct object pronoun?
Drop the final -e + attach pronoun to end of infinitive
Here are THE CLAMS. Do you feel like eating THEM?
Hai voglia di mangiarLE?
Mushrooms? I do not like buying THEM.
Non mi piace comprarLI
When using dovere, potere, volere, where does the direct object pronoun go?
1) before conjugated verb, or
2) attach to infinitive
I forgot the STRAWBERRIES. You have to buy THEM.
LE devi comrare, or Devi comprarLE
When using passato prossimo, where does a direct object pronoun go?
Directly before the conjugated form of avere
not used with verbs that take essere
Mariella saw ME at the grocery store.
Mariella MI ha visto al negozio di alimentari.
We called YOU many times.
TI abbiamo chiamato molte volte.
What is important to remember with passato prossima and direct object pronouns?
When the pronouns lo, la, li, le precede a verb in passato prossimo, the past participle must agree with the pronoun in gender and number.
Are you (inform) buying them (the pears).
Le compri?
(la pera / le pere)
We don’t know him.
Non lo conosciamo.
I never see you (informal, singular) at the market.
Non ti vedo mai al mercato.
Arturo always greets me.
Arturo mi saluta sempre.
Do you (inform, sing) feel like eating them (clams)?
Hai voglia di mangiarle?
le = attach to end of infinitive b/c 2 verb construction
Hai voglia di = do you feel like
Clams = le vongole (fem)
I do not like buying them (mushrooms)
Non mi piace comprarli
li = attach to end of infinitive b/c 2 verb construction
Mushrooms = i funghi (masc)
You (informal, sing) have to buy them (strawberries)
say it in 2 ways where you can place the direct object pronoun
1) Le devi comprare.
2) Devi comprarle
Le = can either be before verb or attached to infinitive when using dovere, potere, volere
Strawberries = le fragole (fem)
We called you many times
Ti abbiamo chiamato molte volte
Ti = before avere in passatto prossimo
Didn’t you hear us?
Non ci avete sentito?
Ci = before avere in passatto prossimo
Mariella saw me at the store.
Mariella mi ha visto al negozio.
Mi = before avere in passatto prossimo
Thomas cooked it (rice).
Thomas lo ha cucinato.
Rice = il riso (masc, sing)
Passato prossimo w/ lo = past participle must agree w/ pronoun in gender and number
We bought it (grapes).
Noi la abbiamo combrata.
Grapes = l’uva (fem, sing)
Passato prossimo w/ la = past participle must agree w/ pronoun in gender and number
You (inform) prepared them (carrots).
Tu li hai preparati.
Carrots = i carciofi (masc, plur)
Passato prossimo w/ li = past participle must agree w/ pronoun in gender and number
I washed them (forks).
Io le ho lavate.
Forks = le forchette
Passato prossimo w/ le = past participle must agree w/ pronoun in gender and number
You (plur) looked for them (raspberries)
Voi li avete cercati.
Raspberries = i lampone
Passato prossimo w/ li = past participle must agree w/ pronoun in gender and number
They found it (bakery)
Loro la hanno trovata.
Bakery = la panetteria
Passato prossimo w/ la = past participle must agree w/ pronoun in gender and number
We cleaned it (table)
Noi lo abbiamo pulito.
table = il tavalo
Passato prossimo w/ lo = past participle must agree w/ pronoun in gender and number
We already ate it (pizza)
L’abbiamo già mangiata.
Pizza = la pizza
Passato prossimo w/ la = past participle must agree w/ pronoun in gender and number
I didn’t turn it on (oven)
Non l’ho acceso
Oven = il forno
Passato prossimo w/ lo = past participle must agree w/ pronoun in gender and number
I have never cooked them (dishes)
non li ho mai cucinati.
Dishes = i piatti
Passato prossimo w/ li = past participle must agree w/ pronoun in gender and number
We didn’t wash them (clams)
Non le abbiamo lavate.
Clams = le vongole
Passato prossimo w/ le = past participle must agree w/ pronoun in gender and number
He called me
Mi ha chiamato.
We didn’t see you (plur)
non vi abbiamo visto.
We didn’t say goodbye to them
Non li abbiamo salutati.
Passato prossimo w/ li = past participle must agree w/ pronoun in gender and number
I bought it (butter) at the supermarket.
L’ho comprato al supermercato.
Butter = il burro
Passato prossimo w/ lo = past participle must agree w/ pronoun in gender and number
I do it (shopping) often.
La faccio spesso
Shopping = la spesa
I did not finish it (yogurt).
Non l’ho finito.
Yogurt = lo yogurt
Passato prossimo w/ lo = past participle must agree w/ pronoun in gender and number
We prepare the dinner this evening
Lo prepariamo questa sera
Dinner = la cena
Do you have to buy them (peppers)?
Li devi comprari
Peppers = i peperoni
I had it (breakfast) this morning
La ho fatta colazione stamatina
Breakfast = la colazione
Passato prossimo w/ la = past participle must agree w/ pronoun in gender and number
Have you (inform) tasted it (chocolate)?
L’hai assaggiata la cioccolata?
Chocolate = la cioccolata