DIP Preparation Implementation Flashcards
Name the components of the DIP cycle?
- planning
- implementation
- monitoring and evaluation
What are the components under planning?
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Situation Analysis
- Priority & Objective Setting
What are the components under implementation?
Work Breakdowns
Task Allocations
Budget and Accounts
Monitor Progress and Review Plans
What are the components of monitoring and evaluation?
- monitor progress
- evaluate outcomes
What are the steps in DIP?
- stakeholder analysis
- invite stakeholders to activities and meetings
- conduct a situational analysis
- create district specific objectives
- analyze and prioritize strategies to achieve objectives
- build concensus with stakeholders around objectives and prioritized strategies
- develop implementation plan
- develop budget for implementation plan
- reprogram the implementation plan according to ministry of finance ceilings
- conduct peer review of draft DIP within zone
- review draft DIP with stakeholders
- present final DIP to zonal health support office
- obtain official approval from zonal health support office for DIP
- submit approved DIP to district assembly
- distribute copies of the draft DIP to stakeholders
- revise DIP based on approved budget from parliament
- distribute copies of final
- quarterly reviews of the implementation of DIP
What is the importance of stakeholder analysis?
- Reminds the DHMT of significant players in health delivery
- Promotes coordination to efficiently use resources (financial and other)
How to conduct situational analysis?
What questions to ask?
- Which stakeholders were involved last year?
- How were they involved? How could they be involved?
- Are there any new groups working in the District?
- At what level/stage should they be involved?
How do districts invite stakeholders?
- Set up work plan for DIP development
- Create a stakeholder contact database – phone numbers, emails, etc.
- Identify key person (s) to involve - Let stakeholders know about important dates within work plan in advance.
- Share information even if they can’t attend
What is situational analysis?
The goal is to identify priority health problems for the district.
How to conduct situational analysis?
What questions do you ask?
- who gets sick
– extent or magnitude - what conditions or diseases are prevalent in the area
- when do people get sick
– patterns and trends of diseases/conditions - Where do the clients/patients come from
– location of where the various conditions - Why do they get sick
– underlying social or economic factors that we can directly or indirectly influence to improve the situation such as water, sanitation, diet etc. - How do we overcome the problems – coming up with solutions to address priority problems
What is SWOT analysis?
- strengths
- weaknesses
- internal origin - opportunities
- threats
- external origin
> for companies, organizations etc.
What are the factors under PESTEL analysis?
What is PEARL analysis?
PEARL is a tool which will help us to assess whether the problems that have been selected are feasible to address.
What does PEARL stand for?
P – Propriety: Is it your responsibility?
E – Economics: Does it make economic sense?
A – Acceptability: Will the community accept it?
R – Resources: Is funding available?
L – Legality: Is the program legal?
How do you come up with good district specific objectives?
objectives must be SMART
Time bound