Diminished Responsibility Model Answer Flashcards
Diminished responsibility may apply, set out in…
S.2 of the Homocide Act 1957 amended by section 52 of the Coroners and Justices Act 2009.
The standard of proof is on…
the balance of probabilities, established in WILCOCKS
Firstly, under section S.2(1) the defendant must have been…
suffering from an abnormality of mental functioning (BYRNE).
Secondly, the cause of the abnormality or mental functioning must arise from a…
recognised medical condition.
Medical evidence will be needed (BUNCH). If…
two medical professionals agree there is a recognised medical condition, then d must not be charged with murder (BRENNAN).
A recognised medical condition covers…
Mental and physical conditions, and examples are depression (SEERS), Asperger’s Syndrome (JAMA) and alcohol dependency syndrome (STEWART)
Thirdly the abnormality of mental functioning must…
substantially impact the defendants ability to do one of three things
Thirdly, the abnormality of mental functioning must…
substantially impair the defendants ability to done of three things: …
Understand the…
Nature of his conduct
Form a…
rational judgement
self control.