Digital Technologies Flashcards
Lets look at a Standard Orthodontic Photo Series. Standard series is ____ Photos:
3 facial ones: ____, frontal in VERPOSE (lips relaxed), ____
5 intraoral: ____, mandib (take using intraoral mirrors), ____, right, ____
v important that smile photo is used in restorative dentistry, smile arc is good, looks the way you want it. You have no idea where the lip is relation to teeth when trying to restore, can’t tell the
relation just from study models.
8 profile pic smile pic max center left
Orthodontic Photo Series
\_\_\_\_(Class I, Class II, or Class III) Overbite & Overjet \_\_\_\_ Determinations \_\_\_\_? Tooth Wear? Tooth Discoloration? \_\_\_\_
molar & canine relationships
crowding and spacing determinations
smile arc
Benefits of digital orthodontic photography
____ to take (no film costs)
____ to store on server or in the cloud
Ability to view photos at the time they are taken should equal better ____
Easy to ____ with patients and dental colleagues in office, via email, on mobile devices, etc.
Taking photos at each orthodontic visit can help with ____ of and communication about treatment progress
inexpensive easy quality share evaluation
- Imaging software we use shown here
- imagining softwares thought people would use these on tablets (which we still do), so they came up with ANNOTATION FEATURES: allow draw on ____
Easy to share with dental colleagues
- feature “____” (dolphin is the imaging software) - its a portal that referring docs and pts have access to, system gives them all of these photos
- can log in to “anywhere dolphin” and ____ all the images and x-rays of a mutual patient and they can download them for their system, its ____ compliant
anywhere dolphin
Digital pano radiograph Diagnostic information \_\_\_\_ Teeth? \_\_\_\_ Teeth? \_\_\_\_ molars? Visible \_\_\_\_ Abnormalities? Pathology? Existing bone loss or \_\_\_\_ resorption?
- TMJ? -> this pano is ____ gold standard to diagnose TMJ pathologies but its a ____
- existing bone loss or root resorption *if suspect bone loss need to get FMX
missing or extra impacted third TMJ root
Digital Cephalometric
Diagnostic Information
____ Position (Well-Positioned, Prognathic or Retrognathic?)
____ Position (Well-Positioned, Protrusive, or Retrusive?)
Incisor ____ (Well-Positioned, Proclined, or Retroclined?)
Angle of the ____ (Normodivergent, Hyperdivergent, or Hypodivergent?)
____ profile & lip balance
- mandibular plane
- normodivergent - ____ MD PLANE
- HYPERDIVERGENT - ____ growing pt/longer face pt
- HYPODIVERGENT - ____ structure
maxillary & mandibular incisor A-P angulation mandibular plane soft tissue
square jaw
Benefits of digital orthodontic radiography
____ radiation dose as compared to traditional orthodontic radiography
____ to store on server or in the cloud
Cephalometric tracings & analyses are significantly less ____
____ to share with patients and dental colleagues in office, via email, on mobile devices, etc.
time consuming