Digital media terminology Flashcards
Short for application, a program that runs inside another service. Many smartphones allow apps to be downloaded, leading to a burgeoning economy for modestly priced software.
The amount of data that can be transferred through an internet connection.
Banner ad
Web advert, normally found at the top of a page. Typically around 468 by 60 pixels in size. Sometimes called a web banner
An online commentary or diary often written by individuals about hobbies or areas of specialist interest. Blogs commonly allow comments below entries and are published in reverse chronological order.
A person who writes a blog.
A piece of software that allows users to view internet pages. Popular browsers include Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari.
When a reader clicks on an advert and is redirected to a new page.
A program used to display design-heavy, animated content
- Hyper Text Mark-up Language. Basic programming code used for the design and display of web pages.
The upcoming, powerful standard of Hypertext Markup Language, which has added advanced interactive features, such as allowing video to be embedded on a web page. It is gaining in popularity.
A link that redirects the user to another web page.
Joint Photographic Expert Group. Common type of picture file used on the web.
Variant of traditional blogging in which users write brief text messages over the web. Popularized by web site Twitter, which limits users to 140-character
Term used to describe a range of different delivery formats such as video, audio, text and images, often presented simultaneously on the internet.
MP3 audio recordings that can automatically download to a user’s computer as soon as they are published online.
Watching or listening to video or audio in real time, rather than downloading files.
UI (User Interface)
The part of a software application or website that users see and interact with, which takes into account the visual design and the structure of the
User-generated content (UGC)
Material created and submitted to sites by its users
- such as photographs, video footage, comments, articles etc.
An application available to download or embed on a desktop, homepage or social network. Allows you to share content, which will be automatically updated.