Digital Information: Converting Analog Data to Binary Flashcards
can you store more BIG files in a computer or small files
algorithms to reduce the amount of space needed to represent a file
how many types of compression are there and what are they
lossless and lost (2)
lossless compression
algorithms reduce the size of files without losing any information in the file
lossy compression
algorithms reduce the size of files by discarding the less important information in a file
what type of compression affects file quality? explain why
lossy because some info is taken away from the files while in lossless they are reduced without taking anything away
how do computers compress text
by finding repeating phrases (common) and making them a sign
example of how text is compressed in real life
like how people say u instead of you or lol instead of out loud
what can be compressed
things that repeat at least twice in a sequence
phrases, words, parts of words (th) [like the in the, this, thought,etc.]
all text files can be compressed
true or false
compression always makes a smaller file
true or false
false because sometimes it can require more bytes
how do computers compress image files (what process)
run length encoding (RLE)
why is it particularly important to compress image files
bc they’re like super fat files that take up a bunch of space
how does RLE work
the computer replaces each row (of the image – like the little boxes) with numbers that say how many consecutive pixels are the same color (like 5 reds)
RLE always starts coding with the number of _____ pixels