Digestive, Circulatory, And Reperatory Flashcards
Chemical digestion-
Chemicals produced by the body break food into smaller chemical building blocks
The process by which nutrient molecules pass through the wall of your digestive system into your blood
Materials that are not absorbed, such as fiber, are eliminated from the body is waste
When your body gets ready to eat, it will increase the production of saliva or ____.
What does saliva do in digestion?
It Moises the food to help chew it up and make it slippery slippery so that it goes down better. it contains enzymes, which are protein that speeds up chemical reactions to begin breaking it down chemically
What is your Esophagus lined with that makes it slippery and easy to swallow
Food passes to the trachea or the windpipe which is blocked by a little flap called the __________.
Who is moved him esophagus it by waves of muscle contractions called
Your stomach is lined with mucus to be up to protect you from this and it helps break down food as well as killing many bacteria that you swallow with your feet
Hydrochloric acid
What type of digestion takes place in the small intestine
Chemical digestion and absorption
What is the largest organ in the body
The liver
What type of digestant factors and plays a role in many body processes
Chemical digestion
Is the liver produces to help break down fat particles and where is this item stored
Bile and it is stored in the gallbladder
True or false:
Biochemically doesn’t chemically digest fat it physically breaks it down into smaller particles much like dishwashing liquid does not sink
What is the pancreas produces that breaks down the fat chemically
The inner surface of the small intestine covered with
In the circulatory system there are three main functions. What are the three main functions of the circulatory system.
Deliver needed materials
Removing waste products
Fighting disease
What is a valve
Flap of tissue that prevents blood from flowing backward
What are pacemakers
A group of hearts is this enough signals that make the heart muscle contract
What are arteries
Arteries carry blood away from the heart either to the lungs are the
What are capillaries?
They are tiny, narrow vessels that allow substances to exchange between blood and body cells
What are veins
Veins carry blood back to the heart from lungs and body
What is plasma
Liquid part of the blood
What are red blood cells
The part that takes up oxygen for transport
What are white blood cells
White blood cells are the soldiers of the blood but it’s like microorganisms that enter the body
What are platelets
Platelets are so fragments when you get a cut they get trapped form a clot and then dry to Form a scab
What are the jobs of the respiratory system
Taking an oxygen
removing carbon dioxide and water
What are the tiny hairlike structures that are in your nose
What are branchi
The passages that direct air to the Lungs
What is the diaphragm
I don’t shaped muscle that plays an important role in breathing
What is breathing
The movement of air in and out of the lungs
The breaking down of food into smaller nutrient molecules the body can use. There are two types of digestion