Digestive Flashcards
Upper GI tract, closed except during swallowing. Skeletal muscle at superior end, followed by smooth muscle
Ball of food
diluted gastric contents, semi-fluid, partially digested food.
Breaks down proteins, carbs fats. Secretes insulin for glucose stability.
Occult blood
Small hidden amounts, detectable w/ stool test. Maybe caused by small bleeding ulcers
Frank blood
Red blood, usually from lesions in rectum or anal canal
Fatty diarrhea, frequent bulky, greasy loose stools, foul odor. Characteristic of malabsorption syndromes
Upper GI series-biopsy may be done during procedure
Lower GI series-Biopsy and removal of polyps
Candidiasis- oral cavity
Fungal infection, aka Thrush. Red swollen areas, white curdlike. Tx: nystatin, anti fungal scrape off
Herpes Simplex 1
HSV-1. Transmitted by kissing or close contact, remain dormant in sensory ganglion.Usually gets on and off during stress or cold.
difficulty swallowing
Causes of Dysphasia
Neurologial deficit(parkinsons) Muscular Disorder(MD) Mechanical obstruction ( scar tissue,fibrosis, compression)
GERD-Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Reflux of gastric contents into esophagus causing erosion and inflammation, seen in conjuction w/hiatal hernia.
Avoid caffeine, fatty/spicy foods, alcohol, smoking. Use med to reduce reflux and inflammation
Chronic Gastritis
Shrinkage of stomach, H.pylori infection often present
Peptic Ulcer
H.pylori infecton. Tx combo of antimicrobial and proton pup inhibitor, reduction of exacerbating factors
Formation of gallstones
Inflammaion of gallbladder and cystic duct
Obstruction of biliary tract by gallstones
Hepatitis A (HAV)
Small RNA virus, sexual transmission. No carrier or chronic state. Vaccine for travelers, food and health care workers.
Hepatitis B (HBV)
Partially double stranded DNA virus. Transmission primarily by infected blood. 50% of cases are asymptomatic but contagious due to carrier state. Vaccine available, given to children.
Hepatitis C (HCV)
Single stranded DNA. Most common type transmitted by blood transfusion. May exist in carrier state. Treated w/interferon injections
Celiac disease
malabsorption syndrome, defect in intestinal enzyme. Dx by series of blood tests. gluten free diet for Tx.
Chohns Disease
Causes unknown, affect the small intestine, skip lesions. Tx glucocorticoid