Digestion Flashcards
G I tract AKA
Alimentary canal
No accessory organs
Order of digestive organs top to bottom
Mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, esophagus, diaphragm,stomach, small intestines, large intestines, rectum, anal canal
Accessory glands of the mouth
Teeth, tongue, salivary glands
Accessory gland of the pharynx
Accessory glands of the small intestines
Liver, gallbladder, pancreas
Accessory gland of the large intestine
Small intestines consist of
Duodenum, jejunem , ileum
Make up of large intestines
Cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anal canal
What is digestion
Process that break complex nutrients into simpler ones ( breaks food into smaller pieces)
Mechanical digestion
Breaks large chunks of food into smaller bits (teeth)
Chemical digestion
Breaks large molecules into smaller ones this requires secretion of digestive enzymes
Churning of food in stomach
Mechanical digestion
When does absorption take place
After chemical breakdown of food
Where does absorption of food minerals and vitamins take place
Small intestines
When does reabsorption of water and vitamin K take place
Large intestines
Photo of digestive system
Hard palate location
Roof of mouth
What bones make up hard palate
Maxillary and Palatine
Soft palate is located
Behind hard palate. It separates mouth from oropharynx
Uvula is
Soft projection of soft palate as
Digestion that occurs because of digestive juices, and hormones
Regulates digestive activity coordinates neural hormonal, and all the mechanisms
Excretion of residues of digestion from the rectum via the anus, a.k.a. defecation
Movement along the G.I. track movement by the muscular components of the digestive tube
Wave like contraction in which material is propelled from point to point along the Gastro intestinal tract. These are rings of contractions.
A peristaltic movement of Contractions that assist in mixing and just material with digestive juices and help continue the mechanical breakdown of larger particles
Deciduous teeth
Set of 20 baby teeth
6 to 30 months old
Permanent teeth
Permanent teeth usually complete between 17 and 24 years old
Connect esophagus to stomach has three components, nasopharynx oropharynx, which is most involved in swallowing and the laryngopharynx
And involuntary movement controlled by the motor cortex in a cerebrum
Salivary gland secretions to mouth
Via submandibular duct
Stomach structure
Esophagus enters stomach in the area of Gastroesphageal opening. Where lower esophageal (LES) Sphincter AKA cardiac sphincter is located. Top of stomach is called fundus, followed by body of stomach. Lower end of stomach is called the pylorus. Before entering, the small intestine food must go through the pyloric sphincter the stomach expands after a large meal it is about the size of a large sausage, when empty
Folds in lining of stomach
Backflow is prevented by
Sphincters and valves
Three layers of the stomach wall
Longitudinal muscle, circular muscle and oblique muscle layers. All are smooth muscle.
Walls of the small intestine
folds of the mucosa are called plica. Villi fingers) are located in these folds, they increase the surface area for absorption of nutrients
The liver is the largest gland it secretes bile which is stored in gallbladder
Stands for cholecystokinin a hormone which triggers gallbladder to release bile
Food that is staring to be digested as it is traveling thru GI tract
Store’s bile
Located under liver
Releases bile into small intestine
Breaks down lipids. CCK (hormone) triggers gallbladder to release bile into small intestine
It is an exocrine gland, that lies behind the stomach pancreatic cells, secrete pancreatic juices, these digestive juices, break, everything down, broken down further and small intestines
Pancreas also plays a part in regulating blood sugar . the pancreas digestive juices contain enzymes that breakdown carbohydrates proteins and lipids. It also contains sodium bicarbonate which neutralizes the hydrochloric acid and the chyme that enters the intestines from the stomach.
Hepatic duct
from liver
Cystic duct
Bile enters and leaves gallbladder
Common bile duct
Form by union of hepatic and cystic ducts Drains bile from hepatic or cystic ducts into the duodenum (large intestines)
Large intestine
Contains smooth, muscle fibers contractions, produces churning, peristalsis, and defecation
Lining is made of mucous membrane. Vit K and water are absorbed here. Contents move from small intestine to large intestines by way of the ileocecal valve
Colon AKA large intestine starts at the right lower quadrant
Is a worm like tubular structure it is attached to the back of the cecum and it is the incubator for good intestinal. Bacteria. Ithas no important digestive functions in human.
Our protein molecules that act as catalyst(cause a reaction) end with the letters ASE Amalase breakdown starches, maltase breakdown malt sugars, lactase digest lactose
Protein digestion
Starting in stomach and is completed in small intestine Pepin/protease start to breakdown proteins.
Tripsin/protease continuous digestion of proteins
Peptides- intestinal enzyme complete digestion of proteins and converts them to amino acids, which are the building blocks of life
The inside layer of the digestive track is
Connective tissue layer that lies beneath the lining of the digestive tract
Wall of pulp cavity
Surrounded by cementum
Enzyme in saliva
Three divisions of the stomach are
Fondus. body. Pylorus
Pyloric sphincter
Holds food in the stomach
Length of esophagus
10 inches
Lower left border of stomach
Greater curvature
What type of gland is liver?
Exocrine gland
Largest gland in the body
Which substance does not contain enzymes?
Most of the digestion of carbohydrates takes place in
Small intestine
Fats are broken down into
Fatty acids
Stomach sphincter that keeps food from re-entering the esophagus
Lower esophageal, sphincter, also known as cardiac sphincter
Most of chemical digestion occurs
ILiocecal valve
Where undigested and unsolved food into the large intestine
Three. Intestinal enzymes.
Maltase. sucrase. lactase