Difficult Patient Flashcards
cone of question
broad to narrow
communication pitfalls
mind read overload defensiveness strong emotions leading questions non-verbals interrupting
dynamic process
if stuck - recognize breakdown in process
dependent and demanding
initial positive
-want increased attention
always ask more and more
patient withdraws and blames after a while
**set limits, avoid promises, emphasize pt responsibility
orderly and controlled
knowledgable about medical care
internet printouts
need sense of control to manage anxiety
**be systematic, explain what you’re doing, summarize, avoid vague statements
dramatic or manipulative
strong need to be heard
want to be acknowledged
**let them tell story, good listening, keep comments descriptive, redirect personal comments
long suffering or masochistic
nothing works
reject help
self sacrificing
one problem fixed, another one appears
cannot accept hope or possibilities
**set realistic goals, avoid optimism, like idea of helping provider by allowing provider to treat them
guarded or paranoid
mistrust of health care
medical errors stories
defensive with these patients
blame medical incompetence
**be clear and specific, clarify your role and limitations, acknowledge patients suspicion
superior patients
better than you
sense of entitlement to best medical care
intolerant of younger physicians
threaten to leave or sue
**acknowledge patient perspective, avoid arguing, recognize limitations of practice of medicine
best thing to do
manage reactivity and stay calm and clear headed