Differential Diagnosis Flashcards
Delayed Awakening
- Pharmacologic
- residual drugs, increased sensitivity to drugs (elderly, renal/hepatic disease, hypothermia) - Metabolic
- hypoxemia, hypercapnia, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, hypothyroid/myxedema coma, hypothermia - Neurologic
- encephalopathy, hypoperfusion (CVA), ICH, increased ICP, cerebral edema
High Airway Pressure
High peak pressure = airway resistance
- ETT kink or tip occlusion, bronchospasm, secretions or mucous plus
- Total BS Plug
High plateau pressure = airway compliance
*pneumothorax, pulmonary edema, ARDS, pneumonia
“Master PP”
Decreased chest compliance
*obesity, surgical retraction, ascites or increased IAP, MH, opiates, inadequate muscle relaxation
- Hypoventilation
* Increased PaCO2 - Shunt
* pneuomothorax, atelectasis, mainstem intubation, pulmonary edema, ARDS, pneumonia - V/Q Mismatch (normal V/Q = 0.8)
*hypotension, embolus, asthma/COPD
“COPE w/hypotension” - Diffusion Impairment
* Emphysema, ILD (pulmonary fibrosis)
- Shunt, V/Q Mismatch, and Diffusion impairment have increased A-a gradients (nl <10 mmHg) and normal PaC02
- Only shunt does not improve with oxygen supplementation
- Increased production of CO2
- fever, sepsis, MH, thyrotoxicosis, TPN w/high carbs - Decreased elimination of CO2
- hypoventilation (CNS depression, neuromuscular disease), decreased CO, decreased lung/chest wall compliance - Exogenous addition of CO2
- CO2 pneumoperitoneum
- Release of potassium into extracellular space
- rhabdo, hemolysis, burns - Transmembrane shifts
- acidosis, meds (beta blockers, sux) - Decreased elimination of potassium
- acute/chronic renal failure, potassium-sparing diuretics, adrenal insufficiency - Pseudohyperkalemia
- lysis of RBCs in specimen
- CNS: pain, anxiety, light anesthesia
- CV: essential, ischemia, atherosclerosis
- Pulmonary: hypoxia, hypercarbia
- Renal: renal failure/volume overload, renovascular dz
- Endo: pheo, thyrotoxicosis, Cushing syndrome
- Drugs: catecholamines, vasopressors, anticholinergics, withdrawal of antihypertensives
- Decreased Preload: hypovolemia, bleeding, venous pooling, pneumothorax, tamponade
- Decreased Afterload: vasodilation from anesthetics/drugs, sympathetic blockade (regional), hypocalcemia, sepsis, anaphylaxis
- Decreased Contractility/CO: MI, arrhythmia, valvular dz, negative inotropes (BB, CCB)
- External Heating
- Infection
- Noninfectious: MH, NMS, thyroid storm
- Malignancy (leukemia, lymphoma)
- Autoimmune (SLE, RA, vasculitis)
- Intracellular Shift: meds (B2 agonists, insulin), hyperthyroidism
- Renal loss: meds (diuretics), hyperaldosertonism
- GI loss: diarrhea, NG losses
- Hypotonic hyponatremia (most common): excess free water
* Hypovolemic: cerebral salt wasting, diuretics
* Euvolemic: SIADH
* Hypervolemic: heart failure, liver cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome - Hypertonic hyponatremia
* dilutional (non-sodium solute: glucose, mannitol, ethanol) - Normotonic hyponatremia
* TURP syndrome
<0.5 ml/kg/h or less than 400 ml/day
Prerenal: hypoperfusion
- FENa <1%
- BUN/Cr >20:1
- Urine Na < 20 mEq/L
- hyaline casts
- FENa > 2%
- BUN/Cr <10:1
- Urine Na >40 mEq/L
- tubular epithelial or granular casts
- Most common cause is ATN (ischemia)
- Other causes of ATN: nephrotoxins (amino glycoside antibiotics (gentamicin) and contrast dye
Pacemaker Failure To Capture
- Pacemaker malfunction
- Lead dislodgement
- Insufficient energy to achieve depolarization
- MI (can significantly increase energy required for capture)
- Acid-base disturbance
- electrolyte abnormality
- Antiarrhythmic drug levels
Coagulopathy After CPB
- abnormal platelet function (most common)
- thrombocytopenia
- fibrinolysis
- hemodilution of clotting factors
- hypothermia
Child with fever, drooling, stridor and respiratory distress
- laryngotracheobronchitis (croup, viral usually, steeple sign)
- foreign body aspiration
- severe tonsillitis
- pharyngitis
- pharyngeal abscess
- Inspiratory stridor = supraglottic obstruction (epiglottitis)
- Expiratory stridor = intrathoracic process
- Biphasic stridor = both larynx and subglottic structures (croup)
Postoperative Stridor
- Laryngospasm
- Airway edema or subglottic stenosis from instrumentation or intubation
- Nerve injury or neurologic disorder (bulbar palsy, myasthenia gravis)
- Allergic reaction
- Asthma
- Foreign body
- CNS: increased ICP, vagal stimulation, spinal shock
- CV: MI, AV block, SSS
- Pulmonary: hypoxia, hypercarbia
- Metabolic: acidosis, hypothermia
- Endocrine: hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency
6 Drugs: anesthetics, BB, CCB, digoxin
Causes of Atrial Fibrillation
Heart failure Cardiomyopathy Acute MI Longstanding HTN Valvular heart disease Hyper/hypothyroidism PE Hypoxemia Sick Sinus Syndrome Drugs (cocaine, sympathomimetics)
Postoperative Polyuria
- diabetes insipidus (central most likely after neurosurgery)
- mobilization of third-spaced fluid
- diuretic use
- osmotic diuresis (ie. hyperglycemia)