Different Understandings Of The Incarnation Flashcards
Catholic Church teaches that Jesus is both fully human and fully God.Sometimes it can be difficult to present the
Right balance between the two
When the focus is too much on Jesus as human it is possible
To end up believing that Jesus was never God, he was just a relaly compassionate and kind person
When the focus is too much on Jesus as fully God it is possible to end up beleiving that Jesus
Only appeared to be human and Jesus was God in disguise
Dei Verbum and Verbum Domini try to create
The right balance between presenting God as fuuly human and fully God
Dei Verbum - “For he sent his son … so that he might dwell among men and tell them of the innermost being of God.
God is revealed and speaks through Jesus.This is possible becsuse Jesus is the Son of God.Hebrings salvation to all people
Dei Verbum- “Jesus Christ, therefore, the wors made flesh, was sent as a man to men “
The Son of God became human to live among other humans to raise awareness about Gid’s nature