Differences between psychology and psychiatry Flashcards
What is Psychology?
The formal scientific study of mind and behaviour
What are the 5 Paradigms of Psychology
- cognitivism: input from the environment and output from previous experiences (pertains to thought)
- Behaviourism: we can’t see thoughts and therefore we have to observe and measure behaviour. This is how we’ve learnt about animals and studying humans has shown there is a high degree of patterns of behaviour throughout a person’s life, such as love, how would we measure love?
- qualitaitive: revolves around understanding a particular experience, information which can only really come from asking the individual
- medical: features which can be explained by biological reasoning
- social: humans need to simplify the world, less work. Attractiveness is related to fertility and this could explain why body size and age are important for men in finding a woman, but for women, they prefer status and money as previously, women were reliant on men
Education to become a psychologist
BSc in Psychology (3 years), MSc Statistics and Research Methods (1 year), PhD in specialist topic (3-4 years). Average salary: £40,000-£60,000
Education to become a psychiatrist
MBBS (5 years), F1/2 years, specialisation (3-6 years). Average salary £100,000
what are the 9 sub-diciplines of psychology
- Cognitive
o Social
o Developmental
o Statistical
o Clinical
o Counselling
o Biological
o Educational
o Occupational
what used to be a mental disorder and why?
- Homosexuality was a disorder- which was decided upon the basis of statistics where 15% identified as homosexual; due to 85% being hetero, they were classed as normal.
What is psychiatry
Branch of medicine concerned with classification, treatment and management of psychiatric or mental disorder and disease (notion of dis-ease)
what are the 11 sub-diciplines of psychiatry
o Addiction
o Biological
o Paediatric
o Community
* cross-cultural
* Emergency
o Forensic
o Geriatric
o Military
o Neuropsychiatry
o Social
what are the 5 models
- Medical model
- Cognitive model
- Behavioural model
- Qualitative phenomenological
- Scientific
Key differences between Psychology and Psychiatry
- Psychiatrists are medical practitioners, psychologists are not
- Psychiatrists can prescribe drugs, psychologists cannot
- Psychiatrists hold an MD, most psychologists hold PhD
- Psychologists study the well mind, psychiatry studies the sick
- Psychiatry treats mental illness, psychologists study behaviour and mind
- Psychiatry favours a biological explanation, psychology gives equal weighting to biological and environmental causes
- psychiatry focuses on abnormal; psychology focuses on normal and abnormal
- Psychiatry only study humans; psychology study on humans and animals