Diets Flashcards
Full liquid diet when is it used
used as a transition diet after clear liquids following surgery or for clients who have difficulty chewing, swallowing, or tolerating solid foods. Included clear or opaque food
What are the foods part of full liquid diet
plain ice cream, sherbet, breakfast drinks, milk, pudding and custard, plain yogurt, soups that are strained, refined cooked ce-reals, fruit juices, and strained vegetable juices.
Use of a complete nutritional liquid supplement is often necessary to meet nutrient needs for clients on a full liquid diet for more than 3 days.
What are the foods to avoid in a full liquid diet
nuts; dried fruits; raw fruits and vegetables; fried foods; tough, smoked, or salted meats; and foods with coarse textures.
When is a soft diet used
Used for clients who have difficulty chewing or swallowing
Used for clients who have ulcerations of the mouth or gums, oral surgery, broken jaw, plastic surgery of the head or neck, or dysphagia, or for the client who has had a stroke
What are the foods in a soft diet
Foods include easily digestible foods such as pastas, casseroles, tender meats, canned fruit, cooked vegetables, cakes, and cookies without nuts or coconut.
b. Clients with mouth sores should be served foods at cooler temperatures.
c. Clients who have difficulty chewing and swallowing because of dry mouth can increase salivary flow by sucking on sour candy.
d. Encourage the client to eat a variety of foods.
What are the foods to avoid in a soft diet
Foods that contain nuts or seeds, which easily can become trapped in the mouth and cause discomfort, should be avoided
Raw fruits and vegetables, fried foods, and whole grains should be avoided
When is a low fiber diet used
Supplies foods that are least likely to form an obstruction when the intestinal tract is narrowed by inflammation or scarring or when gastrointestinal motility is slowed
Used for inflammatory bowel disease, partial obstructions of the intestinal tract, gastroen-teritis, diarrhea, or other gastrointestinal disorders
What are the foods given in a low fiber diet
Foods that are low in fiber include white bread, refined cooked cereals, cooked potatoes without skins, white rice, and refined pasta.
Foods to limit or avoid are raw fruits (except bananas), vegetables, nuts and seeds, plant. fiber, and whole grains.
Milk is limited to 2 servings
When is a clear liquid diet given
Provides fluids and some electrolytes to prevent dehydration
b. Used as an initial feeding after complete bowel rest
c. Used initially to feed a malnourished person or a person who has not had any oral intake for some time
d. Used for bowel preparation for surgery or diagnostic tests, as well as postoperatively
e. Used in gastroenteritis
What are the foods in a clear liquid diet
water, bouillon, fat-free clear broth, clear fruit juices, carbonated beverages, gelatin, lemon-ade, ice pops, and regular or decaffeinated coffee or tea. Hard candy without filling is also acceptable.
When is a high fiber diet used
Used for constipation, irritable bowel syndrome when the primary symptom is alternating constipation and diarrhea, and asymptomatic diverticular disease
What are the foods in a high fiber diet
Fruits, veggies, whole grains, uncooked fruits, steamed vegetables, bran, oatmeal, and dried fruits
What foods are in a diabetic diet
focus on total energy, nutrient and food distribution; include a balanced intake of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins;
When is a low sodium diet used
Used for hypertension, heart failure, renal disease, cardiac disease, and liver disease
What are the considerations in a low sodium diet
Canned, frozen, instant, smoked, pickled, and boxed foods usually contain higher amounts of sodium. Lunch meats, soy sauce, salad dressings, fast foods, soups, and snacks such as potato chips and pretzels also contain large amounts of sodium; teach clients to read nutritional facts on product packaging regarding sodium content per serving.
Effervescent medications contain significant amounts of sodium; these include medications that contain the active ingredient sodium bicarbonate or sodium citrate
e. Salt substitutes may be used to improve pal-atability; most salt substitutes contain large amounts of sodium and should not be
used by clients with renal disease.
What are the foods in a vegan diet
strict vegetarian diet and consume no animal meats or foods that contain animal byproducts, such as chicken broth or beef broth.
2. Eat only foods of plant origin (e.g., whole or enriched grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegeta-bles). However, there are many processed vegan foods that do not have nutritional value; it is best to eat whole foods.
3. The use of soybeans, soy milk, soybean curd (tofu), and processed soy protein products enhance the nutritional value of the diet.
What foods are in a lacto-vegetarian diet
a food pattern that allows for the consumption of dairy products and eggs.
What are the foods in a ovo-vegetarian diet
The only animal foods that the s
ovo-vegetarian consumes are eggs, which are an excellent source of complete proteins.