Dietrich Bonhoeffer Flashcards
theology: christian moral action, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Who was Bonhoeffer’s brother and what happened.
Walter, who died in WW1.
What religion was his family associated with.
When did Bonhoeffer first envision the future of the Lutheran Church.
What kind of church did he experience in New York.
Black Churches.
What was his radio show called.
‘The Younger Generations Altered View and Concept of the Fuhrer.’
What made the Confession Church different.
Did not agree with Nazi claim only those of Aryan decent could be in ministry or church.
Name of the Nazi Resistance part.
What did he call the Resistance in a letter to who.
‘The terrible alternative’, to Niebhur.
Secular pacifism.
Non-religious view that history would eventually reach a state of non-violence.
When did he join the Nazi Country Intelligence section of the Armed Forces.
When was he arrested and then hung.
1983, 1985.
What was the main message of ‘Ethics’.
- Christian and human ethics are different.
- Ethical systems based on ideaology are extentions of human ideas used to justify their actions.
- Christian ethics are based off the idea that humans are innately sinful and cannot be right or wrong.
What did Bonhoeffer think the relationship between church and state should be.
The Church should keep the state in check, as the state can never fully represent Gods will.
Mark 12:17.
‘Give to the emperor the things that are the emperors, and to God the things that are God’s.’
Romans 13:1.
‘There is no authority except from God.’
When does Bonhoeffer believe God’s will is clear.
“Only be clear in the moment of action.”
What does he believe must be rid of to know God’s will.
Personal ambition.
Why is he critical of love as a Christian principle.
As it would make morality a human principle and reduce God to a human idea.
The difference between leadership and leader.
Leadership is an abstract concept beyond the person, but leader is specific to the person.
What did the Germans do to ‘leader’.
Divorce it from society and make it perfect.
Why did he justify tyrannicide.
Christians can disobey state when it does not act in accordance with Gods Will and action to ensure social order is necessary.
What is his consolation for the sin of tyrannicide.
That God promises of forgive the ‘man who becomes a sinner in the process.’
What element of Kirkegaard’s philosophy does he use.
That humans can, in extreme situations, only act out of despair, but in faith and hope.
‘The Western void.’
The vacum in society opened which allows for dangerous beliefs when Christianity was lost.
Religionless Christianity.
Christianity which doesnt have the baggage of the past or ideological beliefs.
‘No rusty swords.’
Metaphor describing outworn ethical attitudes used by the Church which are no longer useful.
Aryan Paragraph (1934).
Removed all clergy not from Aryan descent.
Barmen Declaration.
Christianities primary duty is to Christ and that they should reject ay teachings not revealed through Christ.
Who produced the Barmen Declaration (1934).
Karl Barth at a Confession Church meeting.
Ecumenical theology.
Bonhoffers theology focusing on unity and against nationalism.
What community did Bonhoeffer set up.
Main features practised at Finkenwalde.
- Discipline.
- Meditation.
- Bible.
- Brotherhood.
- Community.
Himmler Decree (1937).
Criminalised the teaching of Confessing Church ministers.
What did Barth teach Bonhoeffer.
- Christianity cannot be an abstract system of human thought.
- God reveals Himself to us as he chooses.
What does he believe Christianity is based in.
‘Only Christ, only scripture and only faith.’
Cheap grace.
Going through the rituals of Christianity.
Costly grace.
‘It costs a man his life, and it is grace bevayse it gives man the only true life.”
What justification does Bonhoeffer use for why suffering is a necessary part of salvation.
Because God on earth was not a supreme leader, but weak and powerless.
What three ways does he explain are used to fight Jewish discrimmination and in what book.
‘The Church and the Jewish Question’
- Question the legitamacy of the states actions.
- Help all victims of injustice.
- Be fully engaged in resistance to reverse injustice.
What does Fletcher claim his theology is.
‘As radical version of the situational method as any Christian relativist could call for.’
Argument in ‘After Ten Years.’
That sympathy is the feelings after experiencing being both victim and perpetuator of prejudice towards a faith.