Diet, Digestion, Nutrition Flashcards
Sama Agni
Balanced Agni
Vishama Agni
Irregular digestive fire
-dominated by vata
Tikshna Agni
Sharp, acute digestive fire
-dominated by pitta
Manda Agni
Mild, dull digestive fire
-dominated by kapha
three causes of indigestion
- eating wholesome and unwholesome items mixed together
- eating too much, too little or after the proper time
- eating before the previous meal is digested
Food and drinks causing indigestion (spoils undigested food)
heavy rough cold dry disliked distending irritating (to the mucous) unclean antagonistic (in the qualities) taken at improper times
Psychological, emotional cause of indigestion
passion anger greed *not even wholesome food is digested confusion prop when inflicted with these emotions* envy bashfullness conceit grief excitement fear
Factors disturbing Agni
- Fasting (unnatural & prolonged)
- Eating during indigestion
- Over-eating
- Irregular eating
- Intake of unsuitable, heavy, cold, too rough, and -contaminated food
- Faulty administration of physiological purification procedures
- Emaciation due to disease
- Faulty adaptation to place, time, and seasons
- Suppression of natural urges
Symptoms of indigestion
- Stasis (stoppage of food in digestive tract)
- Malaise (laziness)
- Headache
- Fainting
- Giddiness
- Stiffness in back and waist
- Yawning
- Aching in the body
- Thirst
- Fever
- vomiting
- gripping pain
- anorexia
- improper digestion of food
Kapha type ajirn & symptoms
Ama Ajirn
Symptoms are heaviness, nausea, swelling of the cheeks and eyes, and belching soon after meals
- all effecting the kapha region(above the heart)
Leads to heaviness, sluggishness and dullness in digestion
Vata type ajirn & symptoms
Vistabdh Ajirn
Symptoms are abdominal pain, tympanites(swelling of the abdomen or gas), vata type pain(hardness, pinching, tension, constipation, ignorance(blocked apana eventually effects prana), pain in limbs in many areas of the body
-all affecting below the umbilicus
Leads to abdominal pain, gas, constipation, irregular thirst and hunger
Pitta type ajirn & symptoms
Vidagdh Ajirn
Symptoms are giddiness, thirst, fainting, sour and hot belching, perspiration, a burning sensation in the body.
- all affecting the home of pitta
Leads to heat, sharpness, acidity
What is Ama ?
Impurities - undigested food particles in the digestive tract becomes heavy, toxified and can cause complications
Signs and symptoms of Ama
- blocked srotas
- deranged strength
- heaviness
- vata disturbed, not moving properly
- laziness - capacity for work but no enthusiasm
- indigestion
- repeated spitting
- constipation
- no taste for food
- mental and physical fatigue
5 step elimination process of ama
- avoid causative factors
- digest ama - ama pachana (breakdown food particles)
- cleanse the digestive tract
- enhance digestive power - lekhana (scraping)
- elimination therapy - shodhana
How does ama feel in the pulse?
a covered feeling reducing its clarity and obscuring its normal features
Three causes of imbalance
- excessive contact - ati yoga
- no contact - ayoga
- wrong contact - mithya yoga
* All related to the five senses*
8 factors to consider in dietetics
- nature(prakriti)
- processing (karan)
- combination (samyoga) of food/substances
- quantity (rashi)
- place (desh)
- time (kal)
- rules for intake of food (upayoga samstha)
- he who takes food; suitability for the individual (upayokta)
Heavy ; influence on vata pitta kapha
Increases kapha
Pacifies vata pitta
Light ; influence on vata pitta kapha
Increases vata pitta
Pacifies kapha
Unctuous ; influence on vata pitta kapha
Increases kapha
Pacifies vata pitta
Dry ; influence on vata pitta kapha
Increases vata
Pacifies pitta kapha
Warm ; influence on vata pitta kapha
Increases pitta
Pacifies vata kapha